I can appreciate my form and use it (whatever that means) and still want to cover it in a thick layer of nice, protective metal if I'm going to go out fighting, because, erm, that's not really time for being a fashion plate? I do like armour that looks good, even to the point of sometimes picking an armour I like the look of over one with slightly better stats/enchants (e.g. I switched back to my favourite armour - Spellbinder Runic, I think it's called- because I didn't like the look of the enchanted steel plate I found, even though the enchant outweighed the slightly worse AR) but 'looks good' doesn't have to mean 'is revealing'.
Also, if you mod, Spellbinder Runic looks pretty good, IMO. It has a bit of a curve to it, but nothing exaggerated (it is very covering, though, to the extent that it appears to have some sort of turtleneck going on...)