Stepping into dangerous territory there... I know and know of straight women who look like men and lisbians who look very feminine... Just sayin'

Bear has a point, a female warrior is likely more concerned with how practical her armor is than how feminine she looks. Regardless of sixual orientation. Save the dressing up for town.

Are we playing the same game?
Skyrim is crawling with female soldiers, bandits, mercenaries, housecarls/bodyguards, random hostile [insert race] and so on, and no one raises an eyebrow when they see a female warrior.
There are several female followers except Aela and Mjoll. Most of them are warriors of some kind.
The marriage mechanics is exactly the same for male and female spouses. If you marry someone (man or woman) who's not a follower, they will be your money-and-food machine. If you marry a follower and take him OR her with you, you will have a money-food-fight-AND-Lover's Comfort machine by your side.