I have yet to see any female models in the media for Brink...anyone know if they are going to add female toons?
Blood, its no show stopper for me, but I like to see a little blood splatter when I wax a noob. Anyone know if there will be blood?
Last, and most likly a show stopper for me. Any one know if this will be run on servers (either offical or purchased)?
Thanks, and good killin to you all

All info that we have is in that topic.
We won't have female characters because of several reasons. They should delay the game longer and females characters would mean only half the customization options for each character due to the need of more graphics etc.
Dedicated servers for pc are confirmed, host system for consoles.
Check this topic http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1113702-game-esrb-rating/ for more discussion about gore (however, it's not the main subject)