Give back Mobility enhance and extended mags

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:06 am

I'd like a buff to the X43 Mike, it's a cool gun but does too little damageIt's fine the way it is. Seriously, the X43 users who know how to use it well totally decimate with that gun. Do you know that even at hip fire it's spread is tiny? You only last about a second or two even from body exposure. Some guns require some skill but when used properly can boil the competition. (Microwave joke)

Nerfing mobility enhance would be fine, if we could actually run fast while using it. At the moment Crysis 1's speed mode absolutely destroys it. In speed mode you could reload faster, walk/swim/run faster; and only sprinting drained energy.

We need normal sprint and a faster power sprint.I agree, a 'power sprint' option would be pretty cool, maybe you double-tap sprint and it engages for a satisfying rampage-sprint with limited turning ability that when combined with armour mode could actually be used to bull rush opponents to damage and knock them away.
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Matthew Barrows
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