So, it comes back to a discussion we have in the TES threads about lockpicking. I recently picked up Strong, and to my surprise, he dislikes every time I lockpick. Well you know what Strong, I still want to know what kind of loot is in there. Maybe there is something I need.
If you're going to make a character who hates the way someone plays a certain way, then you need to create alternatives. It was a discussion we had in Skyrim, but it seems now it needs to be a discussion for future Fallout.
There has to be other ways of breaking a lock then. In Two Worlds 2, and I know two different genres, they gave us a magical way to unlock locks, a thief way with bobby pins, and a melee way where you smash the crap out of the lock.
Clearly we cannot have magical ways of opening locks, but what about a gear piece you fasten upon the lock and some kind of sciency way using waves to open the lock?
But now I cannot play with Strong as a companion, because......
he hates me every time I lock pick. It's the only way I can get the goods. So you don't want me to ransack and figure out what's behind this locked door? Or unlock the entrance to a quest?