Give me locked gear instead of scaled armor

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:16 am

Well imagine how many quests that would turn obsolete when you reach a higher level. Duh.
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:27 pm

Easiest fix for this kind of thing is to open up a shop that allows you to buy the better level of armor later on
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:11 pm

Get the armor you want. If you are afraid of it being too weak and want to feel godly wearing it surely you could just wear it and drop the difficulty?
Locked gear would have similar issues with players running into massively over the top gear (ala the Deadric stuff in Oblivion after the soft level cap) and thus getting bored.
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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:17 am

I concur. There was a fix for this in Oblivion that allowed gear to level up with you, so I'm hoping a similar system can be used.
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Dean Brown
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:17 pm

This is one of the few design decisions that Bethesda makes that baffles me every time. They sure do love having scaled items though. Good thing I like almost everything else.
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:10 pm

The first thing I did once I was set free was join the thieves guild. It levels my guy's playing style the best and it was one of my most enjoyable times I had in Oblivion.

Earlier today, I find out that the best light armor gear and bow comes by joining this guild. Although, you have to complete it at a later level (say, when you're like lvl 45) for the gear to have its highest stats as the rewards are scaled.

REALLY? I got crap gear that will be obsolete soon because I went this route first? This makes NO sense. Why am I punished for going a certain route when I'm a low level?

I think it would be so much better if the gear was locked until I got to a certain level with light armor / archery. I would rather hold on to this gear knowing that one day I could finally wear it -- something to look forward to.

Now all I got is crappy gear for completing a long chain quest. This totally blows.

Scaling has its perks but it def has its faults. Really unfortunate.

I guess if you really had to, you could just do 'coc qasmoke' to take you to the Dev Room and just pick you the stuff you think you should have gotten.
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:43 pm

I know one of the first mods I make will be to make the levelled gear static, giving out the highest version.

Now I think the nightinggale gear might be possible to level....if you return to that stone where you got it, try re-activating it again and you might get a higher version as you level up. Not sure, but it could be possible they remembered to put that in, and just not mention it.
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Emma Parkinson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:40 pm

I HATE items being scaled to my character's level.

  • It makes shops feel so unrealistic and also very generic (The little blacksmith down the road sells only iron and leather items one day, then all of a sudden they start selling ebony and glass items? :confused:) Some shops should permanently sell cheap crap regardless of my level, while other shops should sell high quality items right from the start. Just make the price really high for such items. If the player decides to use a gold cheat to get such items early, that's their loss.

  • It puts me off exploring dungeons completely, because I know in the back of my mind i'm not going to find anything good until I reach a higher level. :confused: Why they can't just put the best weapons in the game right from the start and have them guarded by high level monsters is beyond me.

As for quest rewards from NPCs - these should be relative entirely to the difficulty of the quest, not my character's level. If I attempt a very difficult quest at level 10, i'm not going to succeed and get the high level quest reward (unless I cheat) am I? It's that simple.
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Charlie Sarson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:00 pm

Of course it shouldn't be locked. It should be guarded by ~unbeatable enemies until you become a sufficient level.

With these ridiculous "fixes" you're only digging yourselves deeper and deeper into the level-scaling ditch, effectively killing every speck of immersion the game has.

Armor leveling as you level sounds to me as just about the stupidest idea for a game I've ever heard. Remove incentives to go exploring and killing hard enemies. Makes for a fantastic open-world game I must say.
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Big Homie
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:50 pm

They're never going to please everyone, you know.
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:11 pm

Off topic: Is there actually a "good guy guild" for stealth characters? I don't want to join either the thieves guild or the dark brotherhood.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:22 pm

Of course it shouldn't be locked. It should be guarded by ~unbeatable enemies until you become a sufficient level.

With these ridiculous "fixes" you're only digging yourselves deeper and deeper into the level-scaling ditch, effectively killing every speck of immersion the game has.

Armor leveling as you level sounds to me as just about the stupidest idea for a game I've ever heard. Remove incentives to go exploring and killing hard enemies. Makes for a fantastic open-world game I must say.

They dont even have to do that, all they have to do is make the armor level locked like BG or WOW does. So you should be able to get weapons or armor but not be able to equipit it until a later level.
So if you beat a quest, you can get level 45 armor but if you beat it at level 25 you wont be able to use it for 20 more levels
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:09 pm

They dont even have to do that, all they have to do is make the armor level locked like BG or WOW does. So you should be able to get weapons or armor but not be able to equipit it until a later level.
So if you beat a quest, you can get level 45 armor but if you beat it at level 25 you wont be able to use it for 20 more levels

But why should it be like that? Just another incentive to not go looking for a challenge and just spend your time leveling up in repetitive unchallenging dungeons. Better gear should be guarded by stronger enemies, which does exactly the same thing as what you want to do with locked gear, but doesn't break immersion and adds another level of difficulty to the game.

I can understand how someone can be indifferent to how Bethesda chooses to do this in their games, but surely no one who understands both solutions to this problem would completely honestly think that locked gear and enemies dumbed down to your level is the way to fix this problem? I just cant understand how anybody would want that.
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Emilie M
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:10 pm

One solution for this and for the "Im only lvl 12 and Im the guild/college/companions master" is skill requirements.

You should not get the best armors/weapons/hierarchy until you have XX skills or until you reach XX level.

At some point on the quests, one NPC should say: You learned a lot here, but is time for you to see the world. Come back when you are ready.
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:33 pm

I think they should either get rid of scaled gear, or have it level up with you.
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louise tagg
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:31 pm

At some point on the quests, one NPC should say: You learned a lot here, but is time for you to see the world. Come back when you are ready.


I don't think this has directly been done (not including high end enemies) since Morrowind's main quest were Caius needs you to be level 3, at least. But even then, that was nothing.
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Cat Haines
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:57 pm

One solution for this and for the "Im only lvl 12 and Im the guild/college/companions master" is skill requirements.

You should not get the best armors/weapons/hierarchy until you have XX skills or until you reach XX level.

At some point on the quests, one NPC should say: You learned a lot here, but is time for you to see the world. Come back when you are ready.

and how does that help the op? forceing him to grind levels and skills in a single player game to advance the way he wants to play the game (hint as a member of the thiefs guild)

leave the wow crap where it is
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darnell waddington
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:53 pm

Totally hate scaling in general. Why for the love of [censored] [censored]ity [censored].
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Sarah Knight
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:11 pm

One solution for this and for the "Im only lvl 12 and Im the guild/college/companions master" is skill requirements.

You should not get the best armors/weapons/hierarchy until you have XX skills or until you reach XX level.

At some point on the quests, one NPC should say: You learned a lot here, but is time for you to see the world. Come back when you are ready.

I'd like an explanation as to why you feel the game holding your hand and adding restrictions to your play in this case is better than the enemies just demolishing you when you pursue these high level quests on a rush of unfounded bravery. Do an anolysis of what is best for immersion etc. Just think about it.

What if i'm a better player or level my character in a smarter way than the lowest common denominator, then those quests will be a walk in the park for me when the game finally lets go of my hand and lets me play the game. This is exactly what has happened to me from level 1 - 24 in this game.

Please folks, add why you want the game to be the way you describe when you voice your opinions.
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Melly Angelic
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:37 pm

and how does that help the op? forceing him to grind levels and skills in a single player game to advance the way he wants to play the game (hint as a member of the thiefs guild)

leave the wow crap where it is

Thats not from wow, Morrowind had skill requirements.


Actually, Im not thinking only on gameplay here, but also in the roleplay and immersion. Makes no sense that you join a guild one day and 5 days later you become the king of the hill. Being the archmage of the college at lvl 12 ruined my first character, because I couldnt see a archmage running around doing quests like delivering letters.

Skill requirements is a easy way to guarantee taht you only become someone important after really working on the game. Of course I prefer having to do chain quests with 40 quests to become archmage, but skill requirements are easier to the devs.
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Roy Harris
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:30 pm

After all the talk about fixing scaling, I can't [censored] believe they have gone and done this, AGAIN. Absolutely stupid thing to do, in every single concievable way. This game is dying for a btb/oscuro style overhaul to fix everything up - unforgiving economy with everything worth much less, STATIC loot and mobs, weapon and item degredation, rebalancing of magic etc. Can't friggin wait.
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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:11 am

and how does that help the op? forceing him to grind levels and skills in a single player game to advance the way he wants to play the game (hint as a member of the thiefs guild)

leave the wow crap where it is

You cant have it both ways. How can it not be like WOW (where you cant use a certain weapon or armor until a certain level) if you dont want weapons or armor to scale?
The WOW way would make the game way better because you could see an weapon or armor in a shop, buy it (or wait) and have something to work up to getting.

It would be great if you had to have certain stats to get a certain weapon or armor in this game

That is how the console baulders gate games and CON worked and it was great

Also for the theives guild example, you could also pull a WOW and let people pick what armor or weapon they want from a quest. So they can get a weapon for their current stats or they could get one that will be for the future. That way everyone would win
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Lucky Girl
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:32 pm

Thats not from wow, Morrowind had skill requirements,

and now you don't have it

restriction in a sandbox game is just useless and annoying (hint every daedra quest has already level requirements)

OP is talking about quest rewards that do scale with the level you obtain it.

better solution would be if the item can be upgraded with high enough smithing and /or at a specific blacksmith for gold/materials every 5 or 10 levels
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:16 pm


Actually, Im not thinking only on gameplay here, but also in the roleplay and immersion. Makes no sense that you join a guild one day and 5 days later you become the king of the hill. Being the archmage of the college at lvl 12 ruined my first character, because I couldnt see a archmage running around doing quests like delivering letters.

Skill requirements is a easy way to guarantee taht you only become someone important after really working on the game. Of course I would prefer the have chain quests with 40 quests to become archmage, but skill requirements are easier to the devs.

My fix for this was make enemies harder. Your fix is that the game should strip you of the ability to view the next quest until a certain level is reached. I understand your position, some npcs should for immersion purposes not send you out on a quest they know you'll be killed in and instead tell you "go get stronger then come back" before they give it to you, because that is how their character would naturally act. I think a combination of stronger enemies and npcs holding back quests both need to be implemented.

Your solution is immersion breaking with level scaling though, as you know you can easily handle those enemies because they level up with you, and will be just as easy 10 levels from now as they are at the present moment. My solution on the other hand is impossible with level scaling because it by definition is the opposite. So i'm making the case of removing it completely, I do not know what you feel about this.
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saharen beauty
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:08 pm

You cant have it both ways. How can it not be like WOW (where you cant use a certain weapon or armor until a certain level) if you dont want weapons or armor to scale?
The WOW way would make the game way better because you could see an weapon or armor in a shop, buy it (or wait) and have something to work up to getting.

It would be great if you had to have certain stats to get a certain weapon or armor in this game

That is how the console baulders gate games and CON worked and it was great

Also for the theives guild example, you could also pull a WOW and let people pick what armor or weapon they want from a quest. So they can get a weapon for their current stats or they could get one that will be for the future. That way everyone would win

i don't want to buy my stuff in a shop, i want to find it in a dungeon chest or on a dragon or as part of a big quest chain where it makes sense to get powerful stuff
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