and how does that help the op? forceing him to grind levels and skills in a single player game to advance the way he wants to play the game (hint as a member of the thiefs guild)
leave the wow crap where it is
You cant have it both ways. How can it not be like WOW (where you cant use a certain weapon or armor until a certain level) if you dont want weapons or armor to scale?
The WOW way would make the game way better because you could see an weapon or armor in a shop, buy it (or wait) and have something to work up to getting.
It would be great if you had to have certain stats to get a certain weapon or armor in this game
That is how the console baulders gate games and CON worked and it was great
Also for the theives guild example, you could also pull a WOW and let people pick what armor or weapon they want from a quest. So they can get a weapon for their current stats or they could get one that will be for the future. That way everyone would win