and now you don't have it
restriction in a sandbox game is just useless and annoying (hint every daedra quest has already level requirements)
OP is talking about quest rewards that do scale with the level you obtain it.
better solution would be if the item can be upgraded with high enough smithing and /or at a specific blacksmith for gold/materials every 5 or 10 levels
Sry, IMO armor scaling dont make sense. I prefer that you only get the best rewards when you really deserved. You could get lesser rewards from time to time, but the absolute best guild armor only would be unlock after you gave the guild tons of gold or whatever were the requirements. That would solve the OP problem, because he only will get his armor at high level.
My fix for this was make enemies harder. Your fix is that the game should strip you of the ability to view the next quest until a certain level is reached. I understand your position, some npcs should for immersion purposes not send you out on a quest they know you'll be killed in and instead tell you "go get stronger then come back" before they give it to you, because that is how their character would naturally act. I think a combination of stronger enemies and npcs holding back quests both need to be implemented.
Your solution is immersion breaking with level scaling though, as you know you can easily handle those enemies because they level up with you, and will be just as easy 10 levels from now as they are at the present moment.
You are thinking only about the gameplay.
Im not concerned about the difficult of completing quests or how hard enemies are. The problem is more about roleplay. You should not be the most important thief/mage on skyrim after doing only 6-8 quests. I think the best way to solve this would be having chain quests a lot longer. But, I know that would be hard to Bethesda implementing 50 quests for every faction. So, I think the better (and possible) way of doing it is using the morrowind system of skill requirements, I want to deserve the titles like archmage, I want that they have meaning.
Sry my english.