Give me locked gear instead of scaled armor

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:25 pm

i don't want to buy my stuff in a shop, i want to find it in a dungeon chest or on a dragon or as part of a big quest chain where it makes sense to get powerful stuff

You can still have items above your level in those, its the same principle. If you (as in most people) dont want it to scale, then you can have an item in a chest be above your current level, no?
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:23 pm

and now you don't have it

restriction in a sandbox game is just useless and annoying (hint every daedra quest has already level requirements)

OP is talking about quest rewards that do scale with the level you obtain it.

better solution would be if the item can be upgraded with high enough smithing and /or at a specific blacksmith for gold/materials every 5 or 10 levels

Sry, IMO armor scaling dont make sense. I prefer that you only get the best rewards when you really deserved. You could get lesser rewards from time to time, but the absolute best guild armor only would be unlock after you gave the guild tons of gold or whatever were the requirements. That would solve the OP problem, because he only will get his armor at high level.

My fix for this was make enemies harder. Your fix is that the game should strip you of the ability to view the next quest until a certain level is reached. I understand your position, some npcs should for immersion purposes not send you out on a quest they know you'll be killed in and instead tell you "go get stronger then come back" before they give it to you, because that is how their character would naturally act. I think a combination of stronger enemies and npcs holding back quests both need to be implemented.

Your solution is immersion breaking with level scaling though, as you know you can easily handle those enemies because they level up with you, and will be just as easy 10 levels from now as they are at the present moment.

You are thinking only about the gameplay.

Im not concerned about the difficult of completing quests or how hard enemies are. The problem is more about roleplay. You should not be the most important thief/mage on skyrim after doing only 6-8 quests. I think the best way to solve this would be having chain quests a lot longer. But, I know that would be hard to Bethesda implementing 50 quests for every faction. So, I think the better (and possible) way of doing it is using the morrowind system of skill requirements, I want to deserve the titles like archmage, I want that they have meaning.

Sry my english.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:58 pm

You can still have items above your level in those, its the same principle. If you (as in most people) dont want it to scale, then you can have an item in a chest be above your current level, no?

no, level restriction in a single player rpg is pretty useless you play alone.

if i raid a dungeon, and find an item that has better stats or just looks better than i want to wear it and not leave it in my inventory until a numbers tells me i am allowed to use it.

in a mmorpg it works because you compete with others

Sry, IMO armor scaling dont make sense. I prefer that you only get the best rewards when you really deserved. You could get lesser rewards from time to time, but the absolute best guild armor only would be unlock after you gave the guild tons of gold or whatever were the requirements.

doesn't make sense that you use the skills you must earn ingame to improve your gear? ook
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stevie critchley
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:30 pm

no, level restriction in a single player rpg is pretty useless you play alone.

if i raid a dungeon, and find an item that has better stats or just looks better than i want to wear it and not leave it in my inventory until a numbers tells me i am allowed to use it.

in a mmorpg it works because you compete with others

You are complaining just to complain. You cant have it both ways. Either an item in a chest scales to your level (if you are low its low, if you are high its higher) or its set at a level and you cannot use it until you reach that level.

what is a better solution if its neither?

BG DA on consoles always did it best. You can get stuff that is about your level. Thats how the real world works too.

If you are a rookie knight for example, he will not be able to use the advanced weapons or the heavier ones.
So why shouldnt a game be like that.
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:43 pm

Either an item in a chest scales to your level (if you are low its low, if you are high its higher) or its set at a level and you cannot use it until you reach that level.

what are you babbeling?

you should reread the thread dude.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:37 pm


You're saying your character should prove himself worthy before getting a title like Arch-mage. I agree completely. I also agree completely about longer quest lines.

Now, lets discuss the best way for our character to prove himself worthy. Well, of course, being useful to the guild through quests and defeating strong enemies. Enemies only someone worthy of that position could possibly defeat.

Defeating strong enemies is only possible for a strong character, when level scaling is turned off, but when level scaling is turned on, you will simply not meet strong enemies. therefore I argue level scaling should be off, and what I then like to do is try to become worthy of a position such as arch-mage at as low a level as possible. This makes the game harder and more interesting. If the game is at adequate difficulty, becoming high position while being really weak should be impossible.
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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:36 pm

No I say keep it, because if they had items with set levels that would mean there would have to be set enemies as well. That completely ruins the game because if enemies had set levels this wouldn't be an open world, it would be linear. If enemies scaled but weapons had set levels then each time you play a new character you can run straight to a powerful weapon and become a god player early. Bethesda did it right guys.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:56 am


I see your point and I agree.

But becoming arch-mage at a low level brings another problem. You are the most important mage on Skyrim, so you should not worry yourself with mundane jobs/quests. What can you do to continue playing? I can say what I did: I went straight back to the main quests and finished them, because they are the only quests I recognize that are worthy of my character time. After that I stopped playing with my mage.

Im having fun with a rogue kind of character now, but Ill not do the same mistake of going all the way on factions quests.
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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:14 pm

the obvious solution is "you must be *insert level here* to wear this item." like DA:O where you have to have X in a certian skill to equip items. EASY.

Personally, I prefer this method of scaling equipment. It also gives you some extra reward for levelling up. I know a lot of people wouldn't like it, but it is my preference. However, I would limit it, say, to enchanted equipment. You can use any vanilla equipment as long as you can find it, but enchanted equipment requires a certain proficiency or something like that.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:18 pm

MMO attitude.

Thinking that gear is a reward for your efforts.
Thinking that gear is important.
Thinking that you need gear at max-level to play the game.

Being angry because he didn't get what he assumes he is entitled to.

"FFS Bethesda ! We don't want gear from drops !! We want Valor Points !!! We want Justice Points !!!! So that we can buy our T12 gear when we are level 50 !!!!! I pay for this game, so I am entitled to maximize every point of stat out of my gear !!!!!! Otherwise I can not compete with the other players !!!!!!!! This game svcks !!!!!!!!!"
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:30 pm

MMO attitude.

Thinking that gear is a reward for your efforts.
Thinking that gear is important.
Thinking that you need gear at max-level to play the game.

Being angry because he didn't get what he assumes he is entitled to.

"FFS Bethesda ! We don't want gear from drops !! We want Valor Points !!! We want Justice Points !!!! So that we can buy our T12 gear when we are level 50 !!!!! I pay for this game, so I am entitled to maximize every point of stat out of my gear !!!!!! Otherwise I can not compete with the other players !!!!!!!! This game svcks !!!!!!!!!"

+1 hehe

yea maybe make it a themepark rpg like WOW

lowbie area Whiterun: bring me 10 flowers, kill 10 bandits, go to the next area windhelm:bring me 15 flowers, kill 15 bandits....
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:11 pm

better solution would be if the item can be upgraded with high enough smithing and /or at a specific blacksmith for gold/materials every 5 or 10 levels

Getting somewhere with this one. I think that would be a good compromise. Grant you the ability to level up your gear through some in game mechanic. Others may not like it, though, if it requires an investment in skills they are not interested in.
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:30 pm

Personal opinion-level really doesn't matter in a single person game. However-the feeling of reward for doing something difficult is important. Leave the main quests as they are, that way those who rush through and are done can still do so. Then on the factions make the quest line either longer or more difficult. I think a mixture would be nice-so you can get a reward midway-as a prominent member of said faction and up till then things are leveling with you. However at about that level things start becoming more difficult , especially if you are low level, till the end so that the reward is the best possible of said reward (such as the leveled 45 thieves guild gear. Though you CAN do this quest line at a lower level-you will be facing enemy's on par with a geared level 45 player. If then a level 35 player makes it to arch mage and gets the best of the gear they will feel a true accomplishment and be rewarded as such.

This could keep the game open to more casual players and can really be rewarding for those more hard core players. My husband and I have discussed how things could be done to make casual players still have fun and want to play the game, while keeping players who want more freedom and a more challenging game interested. We wondered how you could even bring back things such as spell making-perhaps the art of learning it requires you to find an ancient mage hidden in some long and terrible dungeon, which would kill all but the toughest of all players-anyways i'm rambling. ;) I truly love the game as it is and my suggestions are just me musing about things I think would be fun.
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Maria Leon
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:15 pm

If there was a way to farm materials that you can then use to bring your low level scaled gear to a higher level I would be all for it. I enjoy farming materials and they can make it as long and difficult as they want, but as I knew there was some way to bring my gear up to par for my high level character then I wouldn't even care about scaling armor.

This sounds like such a reasonable option to me. More and more I see why PC/mod community is key for this game. (Playing on 360, but just got for PC for later playthrough)
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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:16 am

Please don't call this game a sandbox, 'cause it isn't, sure way more than your usual pc/console RPG but still you can't do whatever you want (example: tried to become a skald/bard and play an instrument?)
i agree thou "blocking" items to stats isn't the solution for the OP problem(and is silly), but at the same time scaling everything removes credibility from a setting: "ehi rogue wanna taste my glass knife?" asks the bankrupt farmer...
I'm just a player so can only guess it's too difficult to blend the 2 ways, something scaled (random encounters and some locations) and something else isn't (specific dungeon/enemy).
A possible solution for the guild final rewards could be pretty simple thou, make them guild storylines last longer, both the quests themselves AND the waiting times inbetween.
That said i finished the thief guild quest-line , and what "pissed me off" wasn't the armor , was the feeling i got form it, i've solved all the problems, experienced fun and drama with them i managed to become the next leader and...and nothing, besides bein able to open a chest with some gold in it
"sorry i have other things to do" says my vice *while bathing his feet in the pond*
"oh you'r the new protege?don't mess up" the bartender
"don't idle around there's job to be done!" the blond chick *while eating some bread and scrapin her nails*..wait wasn't me the boss? and i didn't even ask you to become one, you scoundrels forced me into it!
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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:28 pm

Smithing allows you to at least modify the armor value of each piece.

Of course to get the most of that you'd have to invest in some perks. I think it's a fair trade-off. The whole idea of picking perks was to limit what a player could realistically be and force you to make tough skill choices.

It's all up to the player, but gear scaling gets rid of the "carrot on a stick" appeal of Skyrim's loot, so I would be against it.

I know we all want ALL the cake, and to eat it too, but wouldn't it just give us a huge belly-ache later?
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:33 pm

It's fine to have quest gear that's scaled, but imo they should not make it the best gear. If it wasn't the best gear it wouldn't matter what level you were when you got it. The best gear should be something that is static and hard to get. By defeating high level enemies or with high smithing/enchanting skill.
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David Chambers
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:58 pm

there is very very little stuff compared to oblivion that scales + they dont make the game for you using same armor for over 50 levels without changing it .... whats the point in loot then if get youre set ?
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Darlene DIllow
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:01 pm

The thing that made me mad was when I was exploring a random cave and I found dragon scale armor. I was still wearing leather. I had not found even glass armor up to that point in any chests.

Surely this a good thing?

In Morrowind you could find daedric armour in a number of places if you knew where to look.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:20 pm

I HATE items being scaled to my character's level.

  • It makes shops feel so unrealistic and also very generic (The little blacksmith down the road sells only iron and leather items one day, then all of a sudden they start selling ebony and glass items? :confused:) Some shops should permanently sell cheap crap regardless of my level, while other shops should sell high quality items right from the start. Just make the price really high for such items. If the player decides to use a gold cheat to get such items early, that's their loss.

  • It puts me off exploring dungeons completely, because I know in the back of my mind i'm not going to find anything good until I reach a higher level. :confused: Why they can't just put the best weapons in the game right from the start and have them guarded by high level monsters is beyond me.

As for quest rewards from NPCs - these should be relative entirely to the difficulty of the quest, not my character's level. If I attempt a very difficult quest at level 10, i'm not going to succeed and get the high level quest reward (unless I cheat) am I? It's that simple.

This is exactly how it should be, exactly.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:55 pm

the obvious solution is "you must be *insert level here* to wear this item." like DA:O where you have to have X in a certian skill to equip items. EASY.

THIS^ - I've yet to buy Skyrim and the more I read the less likely it is that I will - not unless they release an all-in bundle on the 360 with issues such as level-scaling addressed.

what a dumb idea.

you can carry gear and ammunition for a whole platoon in your magical inventory but you can't equip a simple weapon/armor because >insert stupid reason

I find it quite believeable that my character can't wear or use a certain peice of armour or weapon because he is not strong or robust enough too, much as I find it equally as believeable that a character can't use a certain spell because he's not intelligent enough to.
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:46 am

It's so bizarre that the devs learned so little from the horrible level scaling of Oblivion that they repeated many of the mistakes in Skyrim. There's really no foresight at all in this system. Scaling is perhaps necessary in an open world rpg, but there should have been more brain power devoted to its implementation.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:17 am

TBH I dunno why they make those item scale I used the console codes to go to the test room and look at the scaling items and guess what there's no different apart from in the enchantment strength that increases!

Your telling me that +10 Lockpicking/pickpocket +15 carryweight and +5 Barter would be overpowered? As that all the real difference is between the thieves weakest & strongest items.

The only items that could possibly break the game is ones like the Nightingale Armour that give you stuff like elemental resist (goes 15 30 50) but then it still as stupidly game breaking powerful at lvl 80 as it is at level 1 anyway because its a blanket % damage reduction vs that element type.

Given this why bother including the Nerfed versions of the items? The only overpowered stat is the only one that SCALES with damage, so it dont need a Flipping Scaled version of it self!
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Hayley O'Gara
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:09 pm

At some point on the quests, one NPC should say: You learned a lot here, but is time for you to see the world. Come back when you are ready.

Morrowind had that system. If you were not a certain level, you did not get the quests.

However, I see no issue with the game giving me leveled loot as a reward. I figure I will get higher level loot on my own later on when I am at a higher level.
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:01 am

The thieves guild armor looks awesome compared to the rest of the armor I've seen so far. There will be a scaling mod I'm sure. I'd like to wear the same armor the rest of the game. If you find an armor you like on your character, it should level with your character.
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