I'm sure Todd will play the demo on PC as he did with Oblivion. Would make sense.
Part of the reason Todd likes the Xbox360 over the PC, is it's marketing strength. There are no "Well, how many 560XT cards are you running in SLI/Crossfire" or "How overclocked is your Core i8" kind of questions. What you see is what everyone can jump right into, making it the most logical platform to demonstrate the game on.
Honestly, it shows a great amount of security in their product, we all know the PC version will look
much better, and Bethesda could take the low-ground like other developers, and show off Ultra-mega-megaman settings on a PC out of the economic reach of all but a councilor of House Hlaalu, without ever making it explicitly known that only .031% of the gaming community will ever have a game that looks like that. (TW2, I'm looking at you), instead, they chose the high road, and are showing a game that
everyone will get.
They should show PC screens so that way modders know how much work they are going to have to do.
Are there really people this shallow, who would just start modding the game's visual before even playing it? What a pitiful existence that must be.