» Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:58 am
Everything is fantastic - except for one thing. One giant elephant in the room: Questing. It feels like I'm just plopped on a conveyor belt. A monkey could do these quests. All you do is turn until the arrow is in the middle of your compass and hold W. I've never once been challenged by the act of questing.
Turn off the quest marker, you say?
I have, and came to the sad realization that questing without the marker isn't reasonably possible, because the majority of these missions don't give you any clues. They just expect you to turn on your psychic powers and open up your magical map and know exactly where to go. There is no quest dialogue, no journal. Rarely are you able to get information from other villagers. Most people won't even open dialogue, just sputter some line of text about the mages in Winterhold and keep walking.
This is a very easy fix, gamesas. Just put in more quest dialogue. Give us the realistic option to quest without the marker. Don't give us quests where the only thing we're told is "Hey, find my long lost bucket. Here's a marker for your magical map!". Give us quests like "Hey, find the bucket I lost in the ruins east of the city." Now take what that quest giver said and copy it into the quest journal.
I really don't give a damn about the technical issues. Sure, the game has crashed a few times, lost a few saves, whatever. I've been playing Bethesda games for nearly a decade, long enough to become comfortable with their... quirks. But this assault on questing is really turning me off of the series.