No but they wouldn't over dramatized they're dislike of it. Honestly if you don't think the games anything special why would you be on the forums.
Im completely understanding of fans posting angry on the forums. Posting is effort, means they are affected and therefore care thus meaning the poster is a fan. Fanbois ( a fan but loves the game so much they will not accept it is flawed ) will defend a game against all criticism on any form of media.
Played Skyrim more than any other single player game Ive purchased in the last few years but still so many underlying bugs and gameplay imbalances leaves a sour taste after the initial sweet bite. Without multiplayer TES will always be destined as a sub par game, great lore and graphics but gameplay fails to deliver. Until Bethesda choose to join the real gaming world and provide a form of multiplayer I can't see the standard being raised. It seems like they focus too much on the story line/lore and cheesey death animations in comparison to gameplay and balance. This is an unfortunate bane with modern games as they need to cater for "mainstream".