Give Skyrim a letter grade and why!

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:38 am

The word you were looking for is "Until". Un-tell is something completely different, and is a logical impossibility. It's like saying you un-seen something. Bet we all know that which has been seen cannot be un-seen.

don't make me un-read this....oh wait...
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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:50 am


Amazing Atmosphere
Mind-Blowing Environmental Graphics
Vastly Improved Combat System
Deep Dungeons, Immersive World

Fetchy Quests
Shallow NPC Backstories
Short, Unfulfilling Questlines and Guilds
Overall Uninteresting
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Julie Ann
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:22 am


The game is nearly perfect, but has a few serious downfalls that seem like obvious design oversights. The UI is awkward, especially on PC, the favorite system and hotkey system are just plain clunky. There are quite a few bugs also. The games balance is still way off. You'd think the third time around they would finally learn their lesson, especially after having done a pretty good job with it in Fallout. The writing for the quests is too one dimensional, most of the quests give you no choice in how you want to approach them, for example if someone tells you to rough up a vendor to be let into the thieves guild you have to do it, even if you're the kind of thief that only steals from the wealthy and helps regular people, or you have to beat up an old lady to be let into the companions, even if you're an honorable fighter.
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:57 am



Huge and Immersive world.
Amazing scenery.
High Re-play value.
Teary eyed moments.
Alot of quest diversity.
No noticeable copy-pasting.
Enjoyable combat system.
A few decent puzzles.
Great effects!
Near perfect optimization (for xbox360)
Great Charecter customization.
Intresting new insights into the lore of Dwemer and Falmer.


A few skilltrees serve no real purpose, and the game would have been better of without them.
Magic skilltrees force you to choose ALOT of perks you might very well never have use of.
Destruction feels slightly pointless.
Map sometimes act strange, making it difficult to get where you want to go.
Civilwar quests and questline feel small and gimmicky.
Most Unique items can never measure up to non-unique crafted items.
The "guilds" "endings" seem unrewarding and forgetable, and sometimes non-existant.
Dragons are far to common, and are generally weaker then high lvl mobs, such as the Draugr Deathlords other the Dragonpriests, both of which are supposed to be servants of the dragon..
Some of the highest level Vampires mages are absurdly powerful to the point where you wonder why they are not known as the world eaters rather then alduin.
To few things to spend gold on, in the end you will have so much gold it makes you wonder why you are not allowed to buy a fort for yourself.
No ownable houses/cottages/villas outside of the cities, some of us are hermits you know, not to mention it would be nice to have a place to call home that you don't need to zone twice to get into.
Thalmor did not seem nearly as dangerous as they were portrayd, the most dangerous part seemed to be theyr ability to blind you with the amount of fire and shock spells they used :P.
Horses does not feel like a big upgrade from running, the controls dont feel right, it takes to long to unmount, and they act like lions not horses.
Lycantrophy and Vampirism both seem gimmicky and unrewarding.

There are many pros and cons but in the end i still spent well over 100 hours playing the game, and I would be lying if i said it was not enjoyable. anything below a b+ would have been hypcrisy for me..
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RAww DInsaww
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:51 am

It's a great game, but the PS3 version suffers heavily from game-breaking technical issues... particularly generally poor performance and continually-worsening, insufferable stuttering and slowdown exasperated and blown up by simply playing the game and increasing one's saved data file size. I'm not sure how to grade it. I love the game past the poor functioning, but it functions so poorly that it's hard to enjoy, at times... literally one of the worst PS3 technical jobs I've ever experienced. :confused:
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:31 pm

A -
Awesome game. Best game on market.
but gimped magic system. and cut out spell craft for no reason
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:56 am



Very large, detailed world
Beautiful scenery
Plenty to do
Definitely more bang for your buck than 99% of the games out there
Improved smithing system that gives weapons and armor more balance, giving you reason to wear something besides daedric (other armors can reach end-game status aswell)
Perk system is a step forward (though not the exclusion of attributes)

The "Meh" (no biggie but could improve)-

Why are enemies still level-scaled?
Dragon fights get old fast after you spend 5 minutes screaming "GET THE F*** DOWN!!!" at your fourth dragon
Enemy diversity is sorta lacking


Piss-poor story compared to past titles (remember foreshadowing, Bethesda? And WHY does Alduin want to eat the world, again?)
Factions feel incredibly rushed
A lack of specific professions to act out via custom quests geared towards that playstyle (due to rushed factions) means that no matter what the character (thief, mage, knight, spellsword, whatever), they're all gonna end up doing random side quests and errands instead of living a detailed story of their own. This could or could not be a bad thing depending on the side quests' context, but unfortunately many sidequests are fetch quests with little to no diversion or choice involved. This means your mage will likely complete the side quest the exact same way your warrior did, except he used a lightning bolt instead of a sword. I struggle to make any character truly feel unique because of this.
Bad perks; perks should feel like a reward you can't wait to unlock, but many of these are just damage/defense amps, and thanks to the level scaling, they're practically a neccesity rather than a luxury
Level-scaled quest rewards. WHYYYYYYYYY

Overall, a good game can only last so long before it gets old, but a good story can last a lifetime. That's my belief. Unfortunately, Skyrim is lacking in the story department, and if I compare it to other RPGs or sandbox-style games out there, it does feel very bland.... :/
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:14 pm

I'll give it a B- (70%)


- The combat is a huge step in the right direction
- The crafting system is good
- The storyline is decent


- The graphics on the PC are Xbox standards... despite having processors that are several times stronger than the xbox...
- There is a huge list of bugs present
- The UI is miserable
- The huge list of bugs makes the game eventually unplayable past a certain point

I would say that Skyrim has the potential to become a good game, but right now it's not making a lasting impression. Every time I encounter something that would seem to make the game feel like something special, I get a legion of bugs ruining my gaming experience. From male guards standing like women, to one of the companions following me to the end of the earth and starting dialogues with me over and over again, the world seems like for every feature included, there is half the amount of bugs present. The interface is a huge hitch in gameplay and the cursor movement is some of the most awkward stuff I've seen in a PC game. The interface just puts the icing on the cake for the cons. The pros are straight forward.
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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:00 am


Because I have 30 hours played, and I still want to play more, and 30 hours this close to release for me is a lot of time spent on one game.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:41 am

Easily an A- which could've been an A+, and still can be if they fix alot of the relatively minor problems in the game. A+ for sure once some good mods come out such as increased population in cities, more graphics packs and ability to make arrows and more balance.
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:52 am


Bugs - Seriously, how did the bug testers miss all the weapon racks being glitched and unusable (PS3 version)?
Leveling up - The 3 attribute system is beyond lame. You call this an RPG?
Factions - The College was way too short, but it was fun while it lasted. Heard the others are the same way.
Balance - Why have I died more to Sabre Cats (once) then dragons (none)?
Spellcrafting - Or rather, it's absence.

My score is boosted by the fact that I've never considered TES games to be RPG's. They've always played more like adventure games to me.

So if that is an A+, what score would it have gotten if there were none of those cons? Confused.
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:35 am

a great game but not great for wizards...barbarians rule this and thats ok :)
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:23 pm

A ++

I love the athmosphere and the environment of Skyrim.

Horses could bee improved.
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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:16 am

We don't deal with letters in Portugal. What's the maximum? A? A+?

I give it 10/10. Simply one of the best games of all time.
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:08 am

i give it a B+


vast terrain and landscaping features is unparralelled
sfx are good
built in companion system
overall the atmosphere is better than es4
MOST importantly we have modders who care about PC users


they removed parry from single sword play so im just a pinata when i need to cast spells (herp derp!)
you can block with a lit torch only if you chose to go minus a shield (wth!)
textures are flat and graphics seem dated compared to other PC rpg titles - due to making the game for a 6 year old hardware platform (xbox)
UI is a complete slap in the face to every pc owner and is maddeningly clunky especially when your in a real jam
immersion is not drilled into my head every time i open the INV screen because my avatar is not there anymore
fast travel shouldve been put back to teleport spell
magic seems flat although it IS pretty to look at
no thinking required, dumbed down stats and a generally lower IQ thinking process for task resolution
levelling means i can be level 27 and still some girl in rags can one shot me to death - wth!
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:26 am

I would give Skyrim a D.

If it want to be a "C-Game" they should fix the graphic issues and bugs in the game.

If it want to be a "B-Game" they should include fancy dialogues/dialoguesoptions and quests, maybe romances like in Baldurs Gate :-)

If it want to be a "A-game" they should make the game more realistic, all those mana, health and staminathingys for example are out-of-date, noone likes to farm, to hunt for those points. When I have the max-skill in maybe 1-handed weapons I still dont know if I can beat the enemy in front of me, this system is old, there should be a new one :dance:
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James Baldwin
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:08 pm

A. Best game I've played in 2 years. Too many positives to list, negatives fall solely on the lagging issues (I play ps3, and it resolves itself if you save, exit the game and re-enter).
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brian adkins
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:14 am


-Easily most enjoyable game for me in a decade.
-A full and realised world where there are a lot of stories to find and adventures to be had.
-The art style
-Little things like radiant quests, spell tomes, different model bottles for different potions, messages by courier, potion recipes.
-Excellent dungeon crawler.

-No spellmaking
-Clunky UI
-Worst quest log since Daggerfall
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Harry-James Payne
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:39 am

Grade B

Beatifull artistry
Awesome music and sounds
Combat is good

Engine stink Morrowind, and still have Morrowind limitations
Engine stink Oblivion and have Morrowind and Oblivion Limitation
So new engine is a scam
Player creation gimped at the start
Player development gimped during game due to too few choices.
Crafting it deceiving and give no sense of reward
Combat lack some polishing like distance of striking between weapons
Walking, running and sprinting lack integration.
the game lack polishing.
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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:40 am

A, one of the best games i've ever played :)
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Dalley hussain
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:53 pm


Pros :

Amazing graphics
Smooth framerate on Ultra
Just 2 crashes in 70 odd hours of gameplay
Incredibly immersive

Cons :

PC Interface svcks [censored]
Vampires svck additional [censored]
Crafting far too easy
Game needs rebalancing
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Fanny Rouyé
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:51 pm


Excellent game but the texture problem on Xbox lowered the grade for me

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Horror- Puppe
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:42 pm

B+ or A-, because no game is perfect. (Except OoT. :tongue: )
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:05 am


Great game to play
Amazing memorable moments.
Vaslty Improved Leveling over Oblivion
Wonderfully Beautiful world.
Love the combat.

Middle Ground
I liked FO3's leveling better then this, but I prefer this perk system.
360 UI seemed ok, but I hear complaints about PC UI (no experience no knowledge).

Bugs, form me blowing people throw walls with shouts and hits.
To much mystery around abilities balance and what appears to be obvious balance issues.
Invisibility (needs to be short duration you can be followed, actions dispel).
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keri seymour
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:15 am

I give it a B+; it's good, but has room for improvement.

- Open world, like the other Elder Scrolls.
- Good graphics.
- Unique landscapes and towns.
- The magic system; despite destruction failing, I really enjoy it.
- The economy feels alive.
- Lore.

- Steam.
- Level scaling
- Item scaling.
- Certain skills make you too powerful.
- Destruction magic.
- Can't change your characters age... so any character you make looks to be 40.
- Immortal children.
- I wish they would have implemented the factions system from Fallout: New Vegas. Would be cool if Imperials attacked you if you were wearing a Stormcloak outfit.
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Len swann
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