I thought all TES races were associated with cultures on earth,i would like to know them all.
Breton:french/british mix
Imperials: roman
Nords: vikings
Are they all associated,with earth races /cultures,i would like to know.
Ken Rolston set out to make that his goal, but I don't think it was fully decided that everything must have a real world counterpart, nor did everyone jump on board with that plan. One such example of this is the Dark Elves. Their culture is so alien, so unlike anything people are familiar with. Their architecture is completely unique, societal structure is pretty interesting, and there can't be any single inspiration for that in the real world. The Imperials, yes, they were like Romans. And I think the idea to make the Bretons semi-French happened first in Oblivion. I think the best way to see the true Bretons would be to experience High Rock in a modern game, and see cultural differences between the various kingdoms. Same goes for Oblivion, where you really didn't see the difference between the Colovians and Nibenese, which is brought up every so often. In Morrowind, the Bretons just seemed like old British scholars, while the Imperials were half like ancient Rome and half like Imperial England. I suppose the same applied in Oblivion, but the Imperial City brought out the Roman aspect more than it has been in the past.
Nords are very much vikings. I think the source inspiration for Skyrim that you see occasionally in the Game Informer videos should be evidence enough for that.
Khajiit are supposed to be like Persians. We haven't actually been to Elsweyr yet, but their culture, accents, and the description of their homeland is very Persian.
Argonians seem very unique. But there isn't much information on what Black Marsh is like outside of the Imperial-occupied cities, other than how swampy it is. If anything, you may see Aztec-ish architecture, but there is no evidence of architecture like that happening and we certainly haven't seen any of Black Marsh to get such an idea.
The Bosmer seem to be like Tolkein elves, though Elder Scrolls has added many unique features to them. They live in forests, architecture is based around trees, etc etc. For a city, think http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_M2w-bXYi0EE/THY5DBEA1JI/AAAAAAAADSo/hbHT7nLl6kk/s1600/lothlorien+(1).jpg.
High Elves...not a clue. Shiny is the only word I can use to describe what their cities may be like.
Orcs have no real world equivalent, but they seem to be pretty based on traditional Tolkein Orcs. The only time that they've shown any real cultural equivalence with a real culture is with their armor, which was samurai armor in Morrowind. I don't think the reason for that is because the orcs are Japanese though. If you look at a typical set of Samurai armor, there is usually a mask. Oftentimes, the mask will be stylized as an http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs46/f/2009/249/c/a/Samurai_Oni_Mask_by_mshydeplz.png. I think, on implementation, oni masks resemble orc faces. In the Elder Scrolls world, that wouldn't happen by coincidence, though it could in the real world. Therefore, in the Elder Scrolls world, a mask like that would be like an orc, while in the real world people would recognize it as an oni. So, what Bethesda did was they added samurai armor, but because oni faces can resemble Orcs, it made more sense to call it Orcish armor than to name it after the samurai, who don't exist in TES.