Give users control to turn off mature content

Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:32 pm

Like many others above me, I too was very young and would play Mortal Kombat on the Super Nintendo with my brother (losing horribly), and I have no wants or desires to uppercut someone into an acid pit with spikes...

What ... not even lawyers and politicians? :D

The problem with such a "mature toggle" is that it would mean whole quests would have to be cut. For example: the whole Dark Brotherhood questline in Oblivion would be gone. It already starts with you enacting vengeance on a rapist, after all ...
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:37 pm

I am expecting Skyrim will come out with an "M" rating, but as a parent of teens and tweens it sure would be nice if Bethesda would provide some options to turn off language and graphic content, etc. This would allow for some younger gamers to play a quality game without exposing them to excessive content for their ages. From what I have seen, it looks like there will be a lot of interesting and fun things to do in this game that don't have to involve blood, gore, bad language, sixual themes, or the like. With options to control this kind of content, those who want it can keep and those who don't could turn it off. Just my view...would like to know what others think.

If it comes out as a M rated game then its going to be a M rated game. toggles or not it will be M rated. Wich means you should really think hard before letting your children play it. Toggles can be switched on or off.

Excessive content you mean like the killing you will be doing the stealing and all that other jazz turn that off? I mean turning off blood will make very little if any differance. Its still killing.

Marriage is in the game it been confirmed witch probably means you have to actualy work for such a thing. wich also means its a choice not a toggle. wich means six will probably be implied (ME and DA did this) and that alone will make it M rated.

This is TES Morrowind had sixual themes and drug use. Oblivion too and belive it or not you can even read sopme in books in the games. Lusty Argonian maid comes to mind instantly only because it made me laugh.

Basicly this is going to be a M rated game toggles or not. If you add toggles then they will have to add parental controles on those toggles. There will be many toggles to toggle and they can be toggled on and off very easily.

*lifts tail* :read:
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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:32 pm

I highly doubt there will be any language or sixual themes.
Violence on the other hand....

Sarcasm right?
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Beast Attire
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:18 pm

I would say not to worry about any "damage" that it could do to your kids. If they are teens then really you are most likely being overprotective. I for one am against censorship of any art and what you are asking is censorship. If you would take your kids to an art museum would you cover their eyes everytime there was a painting or statue of a naked person? I don't think so.

I think much of your fear is misplaced since i don't see much nudity if any at all happening in this game, and I highly doubt there will be any F words. Furthermore, all of the stuff you want to censor is hardly damaging, if at all. My first violent game was Halo, you could just keep hitting a dead body and blood would keep bushing out and onto the ground. Do I ever just beat something to a pulp in real life? no. Millions of little kids play Cod all the time and talk trash, do you ever hear about a bunch of little kids shooting some place up in real life? no.

If you honestly believe your kids are not mature enough to understand it is just a game and not real then idk wha to say, i thought most people could grasp that around 3-5. If you beleive any of that stuff will have a harmfull effect on them then don't let them play, but i honestly and truely believe that that content is excessive then don't let em' play.

just voicing my opinion on the matter.
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:12 pm

#1) I highly doubt there will be any strong language used, it just doesn't fit the TES universe and they have never used strong language in the past.

Well, Ain't you the High Tom [censored]?
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James Wilson
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:35 pm

Violance is fine! But damn it my kids can not see blood or here the word damn!
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:41 am

I played oblivion before I was 15, I was 13 actually, my parents never had a problem with that and Oblivion has really educated me a lot, both in the English language and also in game design/level design and so on. So I don't think you shouldn't allow them to play it, if they are teenagers.
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:48 pm

Have you forgotten what it was like to be a teenage already?
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:19 pm

Kids these days see all sorts of mature crap everywhere anyway, so it'd be pointless.
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:31 pm

Blah blah blah , just let them all play the game

They will ALL know about all of the "Innapropriate" horrors of life sooner or later , whats it gonna hurt to go with sooner?

I'd love to see some psychological study that shows any sort of major life altering differences between sheltered and not sheltered , once fully grown and then some they'll know of all these things anyway

In my personal experience any kids I ever knew who were sheltered , later resented their parents for it and also went overboard with the innapropriate stuff once they did have freedom whereas the un-sheltered kids seemed generally happier and more confident
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Krystina Proietti
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:20 am

When I was a child... I played Doo/DoomII/Castle Wolfenstien/Duke Nukem 3D etc etc... I came out normal... I think. Is it normal to have 1 Axe with more blades on than needed (2 blades on the pommel one on the back of the head and then the main part is bearded blade about 6 inches long. Also the one on the back comes off for skinning >_>), A medevil Axe, a celtic criss knife, S&W tanto knife for work, some crudy folding knife, a 15 inch survival knife, a k98k bayonet, ar-15, 2 k98k's, 2 nagant 91/30's and 2 nagant M44's.. Yeah I think im normal.
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:51 pm

Have you seen some of the crap on TV nowadays anyway. If your that worried I'd get rid of it altogether.
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:18 pm

I am expecting Skyrim will come out with an "M" rating, but as a parent of teens and tweens it sure would be nice if Bethesda would provide some options to turn off language and graphic content, etc. This would allow for some younger gamers to play a quality game without exposing them to excessive content for their ages. From what I have seen, it looks like there will be a lot of interesting and fun things to do in this game that don't have to involve blood, gore, bad language, sixual themes, or the like. With options to control this kind of content, those who want it can keep and those who don't could turn it off. Just my view...would like to know what others think.

Elder scrolls is a mature series for a mature audience. Beth arn't going to make different versions for different audience's.
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louise hamilton
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:39 pm

I played and watched 18 rated games and films when I was 10 or 11 and I haven't turned into a serial killer, rapist or peodophile. People place to much blame on the content of games for all of societies problems
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:21 pm

Can you keep them in the dark for life?
Can you hide them from the waiting world?
Oh father! :mohawk:

Nah but seriously the fact that you care enough leds to me to believe your kids will be good enough to handle the small amout of mature content that is TES. They no doubt see much worse in public school systems.

Or.... the greatest anti-sheltering song of all time , Dyers Eve by Metallica :mohawk: , these lyrics are a must read for all parents or all who want to be future parents

Dear Mother
Dear Father
What Is this Hell You Have Put Me Through
Day in Day out Live My Life Through You
Pushed onto Me What's Wrong or Right
Hidden from this Thing That They Call Light

Dear Mother
Dear Father
Every Thought I'd Think You'd Disapprove
Always Censoring My Every Move
Children Are Seen But Are Not Heard
Tear out Everything Inspired

Torn from Me Without Your Shelter
Barred Reality
I'm Living Blindly

Dear Mother
Dear Father
Time Has Frozen Still What's Left to Be
Hear Nothing
Say Nothing
Cannot Face the Fact I Think for Me
No Guarantee,it's Life as Is
But Damn You for Not Giving Me My Chance

Dear Mother
Dear Father
You Clipped My Wings Before I Learnt to Fly
I've Outgrown That f***ing Lullaby
Same Thing I've Always Heard from You
Do as I Say Not as I Do

Torn from Me Without Your Shelter
Barred Reality
I'm Living Blindly

I'm in Hell Without You
Cannot Cope Without You Two
Shocked at the World That I See
Innocent Victim Please Rescue Me

Dear Mother
Dear Father
Hidden in Your World You've Made for Me
I'm Seething
I'm Bleeding
Ripping Wounds in Me That Never Heal
Undying Spite I Feel for You
Living out this Hell You Always Knew

Never understood why parents want to limit what there children can see, espically when there allowed to kill but not see the blood and stuff like that.
Parents never did that to me, so far I haven't shot up any post offices or anything...

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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:34 pm

No, just no.. It's not worth the extra time it takes to add those options.
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John Moore
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:54 pm

That's one of the reasons I love my parents...they let me get GTA Vice City when I was 9 but they played it with me (well, my dad did...we also finished Prince of Persia: Sands of Time on the ps2 together...I'd wait for him to come back from work to play it together) and they never forbade me from seeing any inappropriate stuff (my aunt was another story...she was super protective which still annoys me up to this day) , but then again I was smart enough to see what's real and what's fiction, not to mention GTA San Andreas helped me learn English (some swear words, yes but I knew better than to use them). My tip is, your kids will see blood eventually (I think that's the main mature content in it that's explicit to an extent), so just let them play it without restrictions but at the same time play it with them and just be sure to explain to them the difference between reality and video-games/movies (assuming you're letting they play Skyrim I'd assume they are old enough to understand) :foodndrink:

Oh and @AtomicAndy: Awesome Danzig reference
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:47 pm

12 is old enough for Skyrim, IMO, especially if the kid's parents play the game too and can discuss the content with him or her.
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Chantel Hopkin
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:06 pm

Elder scrolls is a mature series for a mature audience. Beth arn't going to make different versions for different audience's.

Yeah Donkeh's pretty much correct there. It should be the parents responsibility to shield there children from content they deem inappropriate. If a child wants to play an M' rated game, then they'll just have to come back in a few years. ;)
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Philip Lyon
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:46 pm

Millions of little kids play Cod all the time and talk trash, do you ever hear about a bunch of little kids shooting some place up in real life? no.

Sadly that does happen, but not because of video games... :sadvaultboy:
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Len swann
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:04 pm

Turning off blood is a very reasonable option. Things like language and other themes would be rather complicated to disable I'd imagine though.
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:04 pm

If they're not old enough, take some responsibility and don't let them play it. I don't get how turning off blood splatters is a good thing for young people. They need it reinforced if anything, that if you stick someone with a sharp object, they don't just lie down and go to sleep. It's rated for a reason.
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:54 pm

I am expecting Skyrim will come out with an "M" rating, but as a parent of teens and tweens it sure would be nice if Bethesda would provide some options to turn off language and graphic content, etc. This would allow for some younger gamers to play a quality game without exposing them to excessive content for their ages. From what I have seen, it looks like there will be a lot of interesting and fun things to do in this game that don't have to involve blood, gore, bad language, sixual themes, or the like. With options to control this kind of content, those who want it can keep and those who don't could turn it off. Just my view...would like to know what others think.

Lol what sixual themes.... Oh you mean lusty argonian maid "spear polishing" :)
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leigh stewart
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:11 pm

While I'm sure things like blood and gore are easy enough to toggle off, not all forms of "mature content" would be like that. Swearing could probably be adressed too, you'd just likely need to record two versions of a line, one ith swearing included and one with it replaced with something more "family friendly", because I certainly wouldn't want to hear "beep" whenever an NPC would have otherwise used such a word as we get on TV instead, but I doubt Skyrim will have much in the way of swearing anyway. On the other hand, there's sixual content, most of which that might appear in Skyrim I expect to be implied in dialog or books, and how exactly are you going to toggle that off? Disable all content connected to six, potentially breaking quests, subplots, or even removing locations from the world (If there happens to be a brothel or two in the game)? While I'm not one to try to prevent a game from reaching a larger audience, the fact is that not all forms of content that might be considered inappropriate for children are ones that you can simply turn off without messing anything else up. And besides, having such an option isn't going to change the rating, because the package Bethesda will be selling will still contain the content in question, you can just choose whether or not to experience it.
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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:27 am

I am expecting Skyrim will come out with an "M" rating, but as a parent of teens and tweens it sure would be nice if Bethesda would provide some options to turn off language and graphic content, etc. This would allow for some younger gamers to play a quality game without exposing them to excessive content for their ages. From what I have seen, it looks like there will be a lot of interesting and fun things to do in this game that don't have to involve blood, gore, bad language, sixual themes, or the like. With options to control this kind of content, those who want it can keep and those who don't could turn it off. Just my view...would like to know what others think.

I'm hoping there is an option to turn off blood - I didn't like the blood splattered across the Hud - it makes me feel like I have a windshield in front of my eyes and breaks immersion - I've played many games in the past which you could turn gore on or off and it never bothered me if it was off.

You need to be aware that the Elder Scrolls has always been mature - as in having mature themes - I was modding Morrowind today and reading the dialogue about a highway man (for those who played Morrowind you might recall Nels Llendo who if you are a male wants some money or female wants a kiss) anyway the males in Pelagiad all hate him and refer to his [censored] ways - it's a small detail but you can find advlt references through the in game books and dialogue.

There can be no filter for those - so you might be able to tone some things down but it will still be a mature game
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