I am expecting Skyrim will come out with an "M" rating, but as a parent of teens and tweens it sure would be nice if Bethesda would provide some options to turn off language and graphic content, etc. This would allow for some younger gamers to play a quality game without exposing them to excessive content for their ages. From what I have seen, it looks like there will be a lot of interesting and fun things to do in this game that don't have to involve blood, gore, bad language, sixual themes, or the like. With options to control this kind of content, those who want it can keep and those who don't could turn it off. Just my view...would like to know what others think.
If it comes out as a M rated game then its going to be a M rated game. toggles or not it will be M rated. Wich means you should really think hard before letting your children play it. Toggles can be switched on or off.
Excessive content you mean like the killing you will be doing the stealing and all that other jazz turn that off? I mean turning off blood will make very little if any differance. Its still killing.
Marriage is in the game it been confirmed witch probably means you have to actualy work for such a thing. wich also means its a choice not a toggle. wich means six will probably be implied (ME and DA did this) and that alone will make it M rated.
This is TES Morrowind had sixual themes and drug use. Oblivion too and belive it or not you can even read sopme in books in the games. Lusty Argonian maid comes to mind instantly only because it made me laugh.
Basicly this is going to be a M rated game toggles or not. If you add toggles then they will have to add parental controles on those toggles. There will be many toggles to toggle and they can be toggled on and off very easily.
*lifts tail* :read: