some old maps from c2 reworked and added back new maps from c3 that are clean with no BS like cars, pole, or stuff that you end up running into and getting stuck on & killed from you no maps that just about gun madness and skill all so some new maps that not in the game.
a must more weapons would be nice to see like different secondary weapon & so on with new weapon skins.
it would be nice to get the rest of the pre order skins/dog tags to for the people who pre order the game.
maybe some old suit mods from c2 reworked and more new ones.
"more single player content and CO-OP story mode offline and online will be a good addition"
for the new DLC maps to be integrated into TDM or DM Crash Site/spears so for the people who have them we can get a game this time around instead of cutting them off like in c2.