» Thu Jul 11, 2013 12:39 pm
People who use leveling mods are typically trying to avoid things like power-leveling, and also to remove certain aspects of leveling from the player's control. I think this is best described by players who talk about not knowing or caring what their PC's level is... once you take away the level-up mechanism, such players are free to play without ever having to worry about these things (which many feel breaks their RP experience). That's not really why I tried leveling mods myself, but I certainly understand this POV, as well as why leveling mods were created in the first place. But personally, I've headed in a different direction as of late...
Just to be clear, leveling mods in and of themselves don't make the game harder, per se. Some have alternative progression rates that can make it harder to level up, but I don't know that they solve the issue of the game getting too easy... at least not by themselves. In fact, I've ditched leveling mods in favor of gameplay change mods that do make the game harder. The idea here is, indeed, to avoid getting the "god complex" too early!
Yes, this is actually harder than it seems... I got "efficient leveling" stuck in my head very early on, and it was very hard to break out of it again... kind of like deprogramming a Moonie, you know? /smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':smile:' />
YES! BTB has one helluva sense of humor, does he not? And his changes? Brilliant! His expansion on Wakim's and HF's work, combined with his own additions, make TES3 an entirely new animal... one that's considerably more difficult to domesticate! I am really digging this suite of mods, and I have come to think that they are what I was really looking for instead of leveling mods. Leveling mods just made the symptoms less apparent for a time.
Forgive the snip, but I really wanted to respond to this part of your post. Yes, I get that, I really do. For me it wasn't so much the forums, but rather the online guides and what-not that infected me with the "efficient leveling" bug. I almost wish I'd never heard the term. Once I understood the issue, I was determined never to fall victim to an inefficiently leveled playthrough! No sir, not me! Ugh... all the time I spent worrying about this stuff. It took forever for me to wake up and realize... you don't have to play the game that way!!!
One more thing though... Don't ever let someone make you feel like the way you play your game is "wrong". That's for you to decide!
I've never had a problem with using Trainers; they are a part of the vanilla game after all. Also, now that I've entered the realm of BTBGI, Trainers have suddenly become necessary!
Yeah, like I said in my update above, there were things about vanilla leveling I missed (like the level-up messages, for example). But to be fair, GCD arguably puts you more in control of which attributes are raised. Because the attribute increases are based directly on which skills your PC has been using, you can actually get a better representation out of it. For example, in vanilla you only get to raise three attributes, regardless of what you've been doing. With GCD, skill increases feed directly into attribute gains, and are not limited to only three attributes per level. This is arguably more accurate. That said, I'm using vanilla leveling again, myself, and with the rest of the mods I'm currently using this is working out just fine!
Thanks very much for the comments, all!