Giving a convict a beating - How can I do this?

Post » Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:06 am

I'd like that when player enters a mine he sees the Mine's Boss giving a beating to a convict/miner. I need the convict/miner, call him "Victim" to keep still hopefully in a cowering position while the Boss lays into him with fists only. Player will interrupt the beating with dialogue and Victim will be walked away to a jail cell (already set up). I am not sure, really not sure how to begin making this scene, I need to learn. Advice, help and suggestions please and thanks for your time.

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Post » Mon Jan 27, 2014 4:59 am

I might be able to help you with some of the things you'll need. For the scene you would need both the boss and the vinctim to be in factions that are allies and the victim to have an ignore firendly hit/s script on him/her. You would also need the use weapon package on the boss for the start of the scene with the victim the target, and that's about all I can help you with.

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