Giving Crytek Credit for Listening to PC Gamers

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:56 am

I'm sorry but he's making excuses. Yes, its great the game has scalabilty and people with older computers can run it and it still looks decent. However that does not excuse ignoring the other end of the spectrum. Obviously they had to make the engine optimized so it would run on a pentium 2 with 64 megs of memory, thats what they have to work with on consoles (obvious exageration noted for people who like to nitpick).

The reason for all of the complaints is because leading up to the games release the developers consistantly said this would be a PC game that was brought to the consoles and not the other way around. Look at the quotes about Battlefield 3 that are in the gaming news everywhere right now and you get an idea of what I'm talking about. The sad truth is this game WAS made with consoles in mind first, rather than being scaled down to work with them. There is a big difference.

I'm sure eventually with a DX11 patch, texture pack updates, SDKs and the mods that come with them, multiplayer with more than 16 players, etc etc...yes this will be a great PC game. However, because this was a console game first all that stuff was put on the back burner and will be released "when ready", if ever. The reason I personally am so upset is because I preordered the game based on lies. I haven't played in weeks and won't until the game is finished. I would have waited and bought it for $40 or whatever its going to be at that time rather than paying $60 for a game I don't even want to play. I don't hold any ill will towards Crytek, I just think they misled a lot of people and there are a lot of legitimate reasons for people to be angry. I think a lot of people are complaining just to complain, but there are also a lot of people that are excusing everything just to excuse everything. Neither side is 100% right.

TLDR; EVENTUALLY this will be a great PC game, right now this is a great console port.
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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:54 am

I'm sorry but he's making excuses. Yes, its great the game has scalabilty and people with older computers can run it and it still looks decent. However that does not excuse ignoring the other end of the spectrum. Obviously they had to make the engine optimized so it would run on a pentium 2 with 64 megs of memory, thats what they have to work with on consoles (obvious exageration noted for people who like to nitpick).

The reason for all of the complaints is because leading up to the games release the developers consistantly said this would be a PC game that was brought to the consoles and not the other way around. Look at the quotes about Battlefield 3 that are in the gaming news everywhere right now and you get an idea of what I'm talking about. The sad truth is this game WAS made with consoles in mind first, rather than being scaled down to work with them. There is a big difference.

I'm sure eventually with a DX11 patch, texture pack updates, SDKs and the mods that come with them, multiplayer with more than 16 players, etc etc...yes this will be a great PC game. However, because this was a console game first all that stuff was put on the back burner and will be released "when ready", if ever. The reason I personally am so upset is because I preordered the game based on lies. I haven't played in weeks and won't until the game is finished. I would have waited and bought it for $40 or whatever its going to be at that time rather than paying $60 for a game I don't even want to play. I don't hold any ill will towards Crytek, I just think they misled a lot of people and there are a lot of legitimate reasons for people to be angry. I think a lot of people are complaining just to complain, but there are also a lot of people that are excusing everything just to excuse everything. Neither side is 100% right.

TLDR; EVENTUALLY this will be a great PC game, right now this is a great console port.

Check it out, it's another single minded, one dimensional idiot. Since you like to talk out of your ass so much. I'd like you to explain something instead of stopping illogically before explaining yourself. What's the difference between "being made with consoles in mind" and "being scaled down to work with consoles?" Be careful, there is a BIG difference. So don't repeat yourself.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:15 pm

Crysis set a standard and expectations were high period. It's was marketed as going to be "better" and it's way scaled back. Plain and simple facts.

I personally don't care if it's better than "everyother game that's been released in the last year" I want it to be better than Crysis. I don't care if it has the same or even more graphic options or better textures than most other games I want C2 to be better than the original. This is where a lot of the anger, embarrasment and dissapointment is coming from and I strongly relate and agree with it. I mean, if this were Ghostbusters two...I don't think you would see this kind of reaction but it's CRYSIS. So my feeling is WTF!

I've posted this before but if Crytek would've come out and been clear and transparent with what the PC community should expect and how they will continue to support the game going forward than I think the outrage would be much less than it is. Unfortunately we were marketed one thing and sold another.

This has been my experience and I take full responsibilty for pre-ordering what I think is a poor game by continuing to let them know what I think and how I feel. I have been a dedicated Crytek supporter and major Crysis fan for many years and I'm totally pissed and dissapointed. I'll continue to let Crytek know so that they can patch this game or make the next one better.

I completely understand why they went multi-platform and I don't hold that against them at all, in fact more power to them. Crysis and Warhead are big players in what Crytek is today and I hope they keep working to make C2 as good as it could be. That way they can carry the franchise on and keep pushing the boundaries like they have in the past. If Crysis 2 were the first game in the series I'm not sure if it could carry a franchise forward. At it's release I think it would have faded away left as it was and the only hope would be the strength of the first two continuing to sell future product ...but I do think they can save this game still.

In the end I believe the communities reaction is completely justified. If you love the game and are satisfied than...OK that's great. But Crysis is a game in many peoples eyes and my own as a force pushing the boundaries and breaking major ground above all others. Is this what we got at release...No...and is that what we have now...No. Seeing this game scaled back is really tough to stomach for me becuase in a Market held back by consoles already it's tough to see this game in particular fall victim when it was a beacon of strength and innovation in the past. It could get there and I hope it does (all signs point to yes) but I feel it could have been handled a bit better by Crytek. PC gamers are a sensitive bunch becuase we are so interested in our rigs and spend a ton of money on them and games like Crysis get us freaking excited becuase it supports that interest. So that's why C2 was and is such a let down for me.

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:28 am

My main beef with crysis 2 is the craptastic graphics. Although I do give credit to crytek for listening to us.
But I dont expect anything less than MAXIMUM GRAPHICS from the dx11.

I want the dx11 crysis 2 make console kids runaway and cry to their moms for not having a pc and then they wish they were never born for making such a grave mistake like playing crysis 2 on crapbox.

I want the forums to be flooded again with crybabies that whine because their crap amd graphics card cant run dx11 at more than 20 fps.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:42 pm

+1 I want the same. go Crytek!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:45 am

If i get MAXIMUM GRAPHICS, i would even buy their map packs
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Craig Martin
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:06 am

I want the dx11 crysis 2 make console kids runaway and cry to their moms for not having a pc and then they wish they were never born for making such a grave mistake like playing crysis 2 on crapbox.

Why should you even care what console gamers think? I hate this pathetic "mine is better than yours" mentality. Why can't you just enjoy what you like and let others enjoy what they like?

My feelings on C2 are mixed and I agree with both sides. I personally really enjoyed the campaign and found the story far more gripping than C1/Wars, but yes I was disappointed that it wasn't using DX11 features and certainly didn't look as good as the videos Crytek had been showing of C2 and CE3.

I have also now filed this game away until the DX11 patch is released because I don't want to get bored of the game beforehand. So this has taught me a lesson and will never pre-order any game in the future no matter what extra pixels developers are trying to tempt me with. (Even Battlefield 3..gulp....must.....not....pre....order)
But I don't feel the need to blame Crytek as I'm sure they had a lot of pressure from EA for getting it out on EA's schedule.

If they had come out and said the PC version was going to be delayed so they could get DX11 running then there would be an equal amount of whining (if not more) that console gamers were already playing it while us PC gamers were once again shafted and made to wait with console gamers rubbing it in our faces that we were missing out on the best game evvarr! Crytek were really in a no-win situation imo, which is a shame and just another sign of the **** corporation ruling times we live in. Crytek don't hate us, they're weren't all sitting in their black leather chairs stroking their white cats laughing - MUHAHAHAHA WE HAVE TRICKED THOSE NASTY PC GAMERS :)

If C2 looked the way it did in their videos then it must be in CE3 somewhere so hopefully Crytek are on the case to give us just that!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:13 am

Check it out, it's another single minded, one dimensional idiot. Since you like to talk out of your ass so much. I'd like you to explain something instead of stopping illogically before explaining yourself. What's the difference between "being made with consoles in mind" and "being scaled down to work with consoles?" Be careful, there is a BIG difference. So don't repeat yourself.

Do you really need to ask? The difference is that if it was made for PCs first and then scaled down, we'd already have DX11, larger textures, bigger numbers in mp, etc etc. We don't. The game was made for consoles first.

Here are some quotes FROM THE DEVELOPERS that should give you an idea of what I mean.

"My finger-pointing at Microsoft/Sony would really be on the memory side. It's way too low, and the biggest crippling factor from a visual perspective. I would really like to see next-gen console platforms with a minimum of 8GB."

If they had made it for PC first and scaled it down to the consoles, there wouldn't have been issues with so little memory on the PC version. They would have made those textures bigger on the PC version and then SCALED DOWN to the version we have for the consoles.

"We bumped into severe video memory limitations, so it was a good compromise to save a big chunk of video memory for other usages. Plus, while on consoles we are CPU-bound during combat due to physics, AI, etc, on less intensive situations on the PS3 we are GPU-bound, so the additional quick 10 per cent performance gain was also very welcome."

If they had made it for the PC first, they would have made "physics, AI, etc" that were better than they are, then SCALED THEM DOWN for the consoles. We got the same thing the consoles got, which was limited by 5 year old hardware.

"We could have gone the easy way and simply disabled features for consoles and lower-spec machines, but this time around we wanted everyone to experience our game in the best possible way their favourite system allows. We spent a huge amount of time refactoring, optimising and balancing our rendering pipeline in order to maximise GPU performance for every system."

There, they say it outright. They could have made the game better and then scale it down for consoles, but they wanted each platform to be equal. Rather than making PC the lead platform they decided to give us a game that was dumbed down to work with old hardware. Again, I want to point out (as I did in my original post) that I think its AWESOME that they optimized it so much and let it work on old hardware. Its a GREAT THING that people who don't have $2000 liquid cooled everything PCs can run this and it looks amazing. I'm just really disappointed they didn't make any effort to let people who DO have those to have an even better game.

This was Crysis, the DEFINING "make my computer cry, but it'll look soooooo good" game. Before the game was released they said in interviews that they WOULD be doing that, and that is the reason everyone is so upset. Does that help? Or are you going to keep pretending its just me being "single minded"?

edit: I have to wonder how the console kiddies would like it if every game that came out for PS3 and 360 was made to run on the Wii. I'm sure they'd be just fine with that right? There wouldn't be ANY complaining at all that they have a better system and the game shouldn't be held back just because Nintendo has crap hardware. Not one little bit.....
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:57 pm

edit: I have to wonder how the console kiddies would like it if every game that came out for PS3 and 360 was made to run on the Wii. I'm sure they'd be just fine with that right? There wouldn't be ANY complaining at all that they have a better system and the game shouldn't be held back just because Nintendo has crap hardware. Not one little bit.....

this ^
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Rachel Hall
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:44 am

Check it out, it's another single minded, one dimensional idiot. Since you like to talk out of your ass so much. I'd like you to explain something instead of stopping illogically before explaining yourself. What's the difference between "being made with consoles in mind" and "being scaled down to work with consoles?" Be careful, there is a BIG difference. So don't repeat yourself.

Do you really need to ask? The difference is that if it was made for PCs first and then scaled down, we'd already have DX11, larger textures, bigger numbers in mp, etc etc. We don't. The game was made for consoles first.

Here are some quotes FROM THE DEVELOPERS that should give you an idea of what I mean.

"My finger-pointing at Microsoft/Sony would really be on the memory side. It's way too low, and the biggest crippling factor from a visual perspective. I would really like to see next-gen console platforms with a minimum of 8GB."

If they had made it for PC first and scaled it down to the consoles, there wouldn't have been issues with so little memory on the PC version. They would have made those textures bigger on the PC version and then SCALED DOWN to the version we have for the consoles.

"We bumped into severe video memory limitations, so it was a good compromise to save a big chunk of video memory for other usages. Plus, while on consoles we are CPU-bound during combat due to physics, AI, etc, on less intensive situations on the PS3 we are GPU-bound, so the additional quick 10 per cent performance gain was also very welcome."

If they had made it for the PC first, they would have made "physics, AI, etc" that were better than they are, then SCALED THEM DOWN for the consoles. We got the same thing the consoles got, which was limited by 5 year old hardware.

"We could have gone the easy way and simply disabled features for consoles and lower-spec machines, but this time around we wanted everyone to experience our game in the best possible way their favourite system allows. We spent a huge amount of time refactoring, optimising and balancing our rendering pipeline in order to maximise GPU performance for every system."

There, they say it outright. They could have made the game better and then scale it down for consoles, but they wanted each platform to be equal. Rather than making PC the lead platform they decided to give us a game that was dumbed down to work with old hardware. Again, I want to point out (as I did in my original post) that I think its AWESOME that they optimized it so much and let it work on old hardware. Its a GREAT THING that people who don't have $2000 liquid cooled everything PCs can run this and it looks amazing. I'm just really disappointed they didn't make any effort to let people who DO have those to have an even better game.

This was Crysis, the DEFINING "make my computer cry, but it'll look soooooo good" game. Before the game was released they said in interviews that they WOULD be doing that, and that is the reason everyone is so upset. Does that help? Or are you going to keep pretending its just me being "single minded"?

edit: I have to wonder how the console kiddies would like it if every game that came out for PS3 and 360 was made to run on the Wii. I'm sure they'd be just fine with that right? There wouldn't be ANY complaining at all that they have a better system and the game shouldn't be held back just because Nintendo has crap hardware. Not one little bit.....

Your whole argument is inane. If what you were saying is true, it would be exactly the same on the Xbox as it is on the PC. It isn't, you have larger textures, better resolution, more hardware functionality, and eventually DX11. Besides those facts. Games have been coming out on multiple platforms for generations. On multitudes of different hardware.

I wonder how the forums would be like if people weren't whining about the smallest **** they could possibly think of. I'm sure it would be just fine. There wouldn't be ANY complaining at all and we'd still get what we want. The game wouldn't be held back at all if people composed intelligent and comprehensive posts. Instead we have people who talk out of their ass and people who try to alleviate the responsibility of proving their point.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:05 am

every single issue lmao you're in denial.

yeah crysis fans definitely asked for a cod game.
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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:28 am

Your whole argument is inane. If what you were saying is true, it would be exactly the same on the Xbox as it is on the PC. It isn't, you have larger textures, better resolution, more hardware functionality, and eventually DX11. Besides those facts. Games have been coming out on multiple platforms for generations. On multitudes of different hardware.

I wonder how the forums would be like if people weren't whining about the smallest **** they could possibly think of. I'm sure it would be just fine. There wouldn't be ANY complaining at all and we'd still get what we want. The game wouldn't be held back at all if people composed intelligent and comprehensive posts. Instead we have people who talk out of their ass and people who try to alleviate the responsibility of proving their point.

Actually our textures are the same size right now. I don't even know what you're trying to say by "hardware functionality". Obviously games have been coming out on multiple platforms for years. Oh yeah thats right ever since there was such a thing as consoles and PCs!

Every once in a while, when the console generation is showing its age, PC gamers start to get shafted. It happens every generation. The problem we have is that Crytek was a defining PC developer that went out of their way to tell everyone "Hey, don't worry, its going to be a PC game first guys!" This was most definately not a PC game first, as I've PROVEN by my quotes.

I'm sorry you don't recognize that they made the game the same on all platforms. They outright say it in that article I quoted, yet you can't seem to get it through your head. To a PC gamer this isn't "the smallest **** they could possibly think of". Its not crazy to expect that a sequel 4 years in the making might INCREASE texture size rather than shrinking it in half (Crysis 1 textures were 1024 x 1024, Crysis 2 is 512 x 512).

If you really call quoting the developers directly "talking out of my ass" I think we obviously are at an impass. I'm sorry you don't agree but YOU are the one "alleviating [yourself of] the responsibility of proving [your] point". I have facts to back up my arguments. You are relying on "but omg no ur rong and its grate game".

Bolded the most important part. Everything I said is not only true but QUOTES FROM THE DEVELOPERS OF THE GAME. Why is this even still an argument? You're like one of the people that still don't believe the president is born in the US. Proof and logic, nooooooo. Its a feeling! I FEEL like the game must be better on the PC therefore it must be!

CryEngine 3 is being mooted as a technology that crosses the next generation divide. Crytek says that it's ready for the new wave of consoles that are coming in the next few years, and the firm has an exciting vision for the kinds of visuals we should be looking forward to.

"I'm a strong believer that we should already be at Avatar quality in real-time, but the mass market (not everyone has the highest end cards or CPUs for example) is significantly delaying this next step," observes Tiago Sousa.

"The transition to a new console generation that is far less memory-bound, will allow for less painful QA/maintenance of PC assets versus console assets from an art perspective. Ideally, you want to have the same asset everywhere and not have artists making custom assets, or even levels, for specific platforms."

But in the here and now, the developmental focus for all major games developers remains with the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, and Crytek believes that all the lessons it learned creating Crysis 2 will be invaluable in further refining its engine.

I know throwing quotes at you is like throwing logic at a brick wall, but hopefully you can start to get this through your head. Right now developers are selling out and focusing development on 5+ year old hardware consoles. PC gamers are getting shafted. It svcks. I'm done trying to prove anything to you, maybe you can try throwing a quote or two where you actually prove a point, but I doubt you're even capable of using others' ideas to make a cohesive argument. Have fun playing with your "next gen" 5 year old technology, I'm going to keep waiting for the updates that make Crysis 2 into an actual PC game sometime in the next few months.
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Lucie H
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:41 am

Your whole argument is inane. If what you were saying is true, it would be exactly the same on the Xbox as it is on the PC. It isn't, you have larger textures, better resolution, more hardware functionality, and eventually DX11. Besides those facts. Games have been coming out on multiple platforms for generations. On multitudes of different hardware.

I wonder how the forums would be like if people weren't whining about the smallest **** they could possibly think of. I'm sure it would be just fine. There wouldn't be ANY complaining at all and we'd still get what we want. The game wouldn't be held back at all if people composed intelligent and comprehensive posts. Instead we have people who talk out of their ass and people who try to alleviate the responsibility of proving their point.

Actually our textures are the same size right now. I don't even know what you're trying to say by "hardware functionality". Obviously games have been coming out on multiple platforms for years. Oh yeah thats right ever since there was such a thing as consoles and PCs!

Every once in a while, when the console generation is showing its age, PC gamers start to get shafted. It happens every generation. The problem we have is that Crytek was a defining PC developer that went out of their way to tell everyone "Hey, don't worry, its going to be a PC game first guys!" This was most definately not a PC game first, as I've PROVEN by my quotes.

I'm sorry you don't recognize that they made the game the same on all platforms. They outright say it in that article I quoted, yet you can't seem to get it through your head. To a PC gamer this isn't "the smallest **** they could possibly think of". Its not crazy to expect that a sequel 4 years in the making might INCREASE texture size rather than shrinking it in half (Crysis 1 textures were 1024 x 1024, Crysis 2 is 512 x 512).

If you really call quoting the developers directly "talking out of my ass" I think we obviously are at an impass. I'm sorry you don't agree but YOU are the one "alleviating [yourself of] the responsibility of proving [your] point". I have facts to back up my arguments. You are relying on "but omg no ur rong and its grate game".

Bolded the most important part. Everything I said is not only true but QUOTES FROM THE DEVELOPERS OF THE GAME. Why is this even still an argument? You're like one of the people that still don't believe the president is born in the US. Proof and logic, nooooooo. Its a feeling! I FEEL like the game must be better on the PC therefore it must be!

CryEngine 3 is being mooted as a technology that crosses the next generation divide. Crytek says that it's ready for the new wave of consoles that are coming in the next few years, and the firm has an exciting vision for the kinds of visuals we should be looking forward to.

"I'm a strong believer that we should already be at Avatar quality in real-time, but the mass market (not everyone has the highest end cards or CPUs for example) is significantly delaying this next step," observes Tiago Sousa.

"The transition to a new console generation that is far less memory-bound, will allow for less painful QA/maintenance of PC assets versus console assets from an art perspective. Ideally, you want to have the same asset everywhere and not have artists making custom assets, or even levels, for specific platforms."

But in the here and now, the developmental focus for all major games developers remains with the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, and Crytek believes that all the lessons it learned creating Crysis 2 will be invaluable in further refining its engine.

I know throwing quotes at you is like throwing logic at a brick wall, but hopefully you can start to get this through your head. Right now developers are selling out and focusing development on 5+ year old hardware consoles. PC gamers are getting shafted. It svcks. I'm done trying to prove anything to you, maybe you can try throwing a quote or two where you actually prove a point, but I doubt you're even capable of using others' ideas to make a cohesive argument. Have fun playing with your "next gen" 5 year old technology, I'm going to keep waiting for the updates that make Crysis 2 into an actual PC game sometime in the next few months.

I would like to point out that I didn't once say that I disagreed that it wasn't designed with consoles in mind. I'm well aware of it. I was pointing out your stupidity and how your way of thinking is inane. For example, thinking my single-minded comment was referring to you, alone, making this tired "consolitis" argument. When in actuality, I was referring to you having only one single thought on your mind and how it's preventing you for seeing the game how it is. You completely proved my point by not even trying to comprehend that comment and went on a rant about how what you said is true and how I somehow believed it wasn't. When I didn't once say it wasn't true. I just asked you to prove your point. Which you did attempt to do but you still made a comment insinuating you shouldn't have to. Which is inane. Because it is alleviating the responsibility of yourself. Please, don't comment on how you shouldn't have to. It's a matter of taking you seriously or treating you like a child.

It isn't the same on Xbox, PC, and PS3. We're talking about "small unimportant ****" here. There are plenty of subtle differences that make the games different. If you've actually seen a side-by-side and continue to deny it, I don't know what will prove you of your ignorance. The resolution and lack of AA would both be hardware functionality that the console version lacks.(Try using some of the "functions" in your video card) I would like to know how your quotes prove that Xbox uses the same size of textures. Or you can just tell me how you know. I don't know the exact size but I can clearly see a difference, I own both versions. The only conclusion I come to is that they're different sizes.

The comment of "talking out of your ass" was generally referring to every OTHER person than yourself. Unlike Hardsiesta. You actually attempted to prove your point. Again, you did insinuate that you shouldn't have to, which is why you alleviated responsibility.

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:33 am

lol an entire thread of tldr; posts
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Markie Mark
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:33 pm

Yeah, uh, yikes, dudes. All of this inane "unassailable logic" crap is detracting from whatever point you are no longer making.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:10 am

Yeah, uh, yikes, dudes. All of this inane "unassailable logic" crap is detracting from whatever point you are no longer making.
Try reading comprehension and you might not use the word "whatever." Which would then lead to you not having anything to say. Both of us have the same point that we started with and I'm not paraphrasing for dumbies. Hint: look up the word "Clarification"
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Verity Hurding
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:13 pm

What do you guys think? Am I being too optimistic, as some on Reddit have accused me? :P

Entirely way to optimistic .. first, not everyones game is fixed, some peoples were'nt so bad and made worse with patch releases, and I've seen little to no effect made in the progress of "stopping the hackers".

Just my opinion though.. some are happy now, some are extremely frustrated, some have no opinion, some want to march down to Crytek in a NanoSuit and inflict "Maximum Pain" on the developers.

My game for example did not have alot of issues, I had unlocks not saving and we see some glitches here and there, though the hacking was an issue. Now since patch I have alot of the problems others were complaining about previously, like "loosing connection", "Crysis 2 has stopped responding" (then crashing to desktop), sitting @ the screen before the game puts you into a team/group and watching it count down to 1, only to continue to hear the "ticking noise" of the countdown and watch it get stuck at "1" and never launch.
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Anna Watts
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:50 pm

This Crimzin1 guy is ridiculous! The thing that brings me the most Satisfaction is that he'll probably comment on/quote my post just to call me something synonymous with "stupid" and that he'll have some grandiose sense of fulfillment from insulting me like he did Addicted_tool but little does he know that I will never actually see what he says and in years down the road when his argumentative, single-minded, and insulting style of communication prevent him from having good friends and a decent job, he'll look back and ask himself why he was the way he was.

Or he could be so pig headed that he'll never notice what he is and slowly become a hater of all people because no one likes him and retreat to playing garbage games in his cottage in the woods. But I'll give him the benefit of the doubt right now and assume he'll realize in time.

Good luck! :)
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:30 am

This Crimzin1 guy is ridiculous! The thing that brings me the most Satisfaction is that he'll probably comment on/quote my post just to call me something synonymous with "stupid" and that he'll have some grandiose sense of fulfillment from insulting me like he did Addicted_tool but little does he know that I will never actually see what he says and in years down the road when his argumentative, single-minded, and insulting style of communication prevent him from having good friends and a decent job, he'll look back and ask himself why he was the way he was.

Or he could be so pig headed that he'll never notice what he is and slowly become a hater of all people because no one likes him and retreat to playing garbage games in his cottage in the woods. But I'll give him the benefit of the doubt right now and assume he'll realize in time.

Good luck! :)

There's a lot of assuming going in this post. I could go on a rant how it is pointless and comment rhetorically how you'd have your own failings in life with that way of thinking. But I realize none of it could be true because I'm judging a forum post, not a person's life. I hope this reply satisfied you. ;)
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Meghan Terry
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:22 pm

Crytek doesn't deserve any credit at all due to taking away the ability to change graphical settings at all, even though autoexec.
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Ymani Hood
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:34 am

Crytek doesn't deserve any credit at all due to taking away the ability to change graphical settings at all, even though autoexec.
I was sad when the autoexec was removed =(
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:16 am

Yeah, uh, yikes, dudes. All of this inane "unassailable logic" crap is detracting from whatever point you are no longer making.
Try reading comprehension and you might not use the word "whatever." Which would then lead to you not having anything to say. Both of us have the same point that we started with and I'm not paraphrasing for dumbies. Hint: look up the word "Clarification"

Man, you sure told him. Ownage to the highest degree.
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Ria dell
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:16 pm

What do you guys think? Am I being too optimistic, as some on Reddit have accused me? :P

Firstly, a CryEngine 3 SDK and a map editor does not mean we can mod Crysis 2. It just means we can map for Crysis 2 and mod CE3. Crytek have not mentioned that there will be a Crysis 2 SDK that will let us mod Crysis 2. There may well be one, but they haven't announced it yet.
(on an unrelated note, please stop treating the SDK like a magic wand, because it's really not.)

Secondly, you are correct in that they have announced a DX11 patch. However, the extent of the DX11 patch is unknown. The reason people wanted DX11 was so that the game could take advantage of all the features and push the graphics further: until the patch releases, nobody knows how much it will utilise DX11.

Thirdly, as the fifteen page thread on connection issues shows, the game is still unplayable for some users.

And finally, on the subject of cheaters. The vote kick method is hidden behind a bunch of console commands that players will only know about if they read the sticky thread here. As for the anticheat itself, it's still trying to spot cheaters by checking their headshot ratio (although from what I've read on various forums, the 1.4 .exe contains some PunkBuster strings, so it's possible that PB might turn up later on). Not to mention that their latest attempt at anticheat consisted of blocking all CVar tweaking.

TL;DR: You are right, they have fixed a lot of issues, but nowhere near "every single issue". Also, CE3 SDK does not mean C2 SDK.
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