Giving Crytek Credit for Listening to PC Gamers

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:36 pm

What do you guys think? Am I being too optimistic, as some on Reddit have accused me? :P
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Laura Samson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:02 am

no thanks.
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:12 am

patch in crysis 1 levels of destructible environments and i'll give them the credit they deserve
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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:55 am

I agree that the ongoing development is a very good thing but I would add that these things should have been in place from the start. I would guess that the game wasn't quite finished when they released. As the old saying goes 'first impressions last'.

Can you imagine if a company like Aston Martin released a new car that was long anticipated yet had numerous launch problems. Faulty security, shoddy stitching in places, buggy system software. I know they're not directly comparable but you get the point.

Overall it's a great game and it's getting better as time goes on - slight shame it couldn't have had a bit more polish before the final release.
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Nicholas C
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:00 am

cgamecontext::startgame: error fix ? Beeeeease i still get it with patch 1.2 ... and NOBODY has helped anyone with this error when i search for it.

whats up with that ?
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:36 am

Reading that thread makes me shamed to call myself a PC gamer.

**** crybabies. If there's one group of people who need to be culled to further Humanities overall intelligence/well being, it's that group.
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:10 am

Reading that thread makes me shamed to call myself a PC gamer.

**** crybabies. If there's one group of people who need to be culled to further Humanities overall intelligence/well being, it's that group.

Yeah. I definitely understand why some people are telling me I sound like PR, but its really only because the other side is SO extreme that to argue against them, you have to sound extreme yourself.

The other part of the problem is that when people are so whiny and negative, its impossible for developers to actually figure out what we want and what will make us happy. If we can calm our emotions and write in a logical way what we want from Crytek, they seem quite happy to oblige us.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:53 am

Yea it just seems like these people have never played a PC game before at release.
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Mr. Ray
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:53 am

Progressively they will be overhauling the PC version to be as it should have been in the first place.
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GabiiE Liiziiouz
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:18 am

To the OP: you are a joke.
If you really believe that the graphics on C2 are better than the ones from Crysis you are blind, or you are just an plain idiot.
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Allison C
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:38 am

I agree that the ongoing development is a very good thing but I would add that these things should have been in place from the start. I would guess that the game wasn't quite finished when they released. As the old saying goes 'first impressions last'.

Can you imagine if a company like Aston Martin released a new car that was long anticipated yet had numerous launch problems. Faulty security, shoddy stitching in places, buggy system software. I know they're not directly comparable but you get the point.

Overall it's a great game and it's getting better as time goes on - slight shame it couldn't have had a bit more polish before the final release.

An utterly pointless post with a inapplicable anology. One situation, you are stuck with a bad product. The other, the product gets better and better every day through the INTERNET. Slight shame people can't understand common logistics. The very basics of technology. Not to mention, even ignoring that. It was EA's fault that the game was released so quickly. It only makes you appear even more ignorant to the facts that you falsely put blame where it isn't deserved.(You implied it through your dumb anology and first statement about "they should've been here to start")

That's another thing... If a game were to keep getting updated... Where would you babies draw the line? Where would it be an "Update" and not "catching up?" It's such a big contradiction. I'm glad all the intelligent people I've spoken to on this game only have good things to say. Most of the people that bad mouth it are hackers in-game.(personal experience) The other half are armchair "developers" on forums.
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:00 am

good for you that you enjoy the current consolized crysis. i for one can see consolitis from a million miles away
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:14 am

good for you that you enjoy the current consolized crysis. i for one can see consolitis from a million miles away

That is such a tired and irrelevant point. Sure, some of the features were changed but they were just streamlined. Complaining about that without having a specific issue in mind makes you look clueless to how it actually benefits you. Please, tell me what is so horrendous about any of the "consolitis" features?

It has nothing to do with my enjoyment. It has everything to do with truth.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:09 am

Just give it up. In another thread I actually managed to get people to argue that HL2 was a bad consolized game.

These people are retards, our version of the halo playing console kids, but rather then the console players who'll accept anything, these people accept nothing. If the game had released on DX11, they'd be complaining that it doesn't run on their PC's. If they'd have kept the old clunky control scheme they'd be complaining about not moving forwards from the terrible clunky control scheme.

They are the same people who clog up the TF2 forums talking about hats, the same ones that got up on their little baby high chairs and started crying when L4D2 was announced, then brought it anyway, the same ones that kept biching about SC2's SP when we all f***ing knew it was a MP game.

And you know what the funny thing is. When Crysis 3 is released, they'll use Crysis 2 as an example of a shining PC game that Crysis 3 was rubbish and simple port of. And they'll do it in BF3, Brink, Rage and every other game that'll come out on the PC that the idiots are right now just 'waiting for'.

Yes Pc gaming is facing a lot of issues right now, but these people constantly complaining in every game that comes onto the PC are not our saviours that see the light. THEY ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. Yes, you, the 30 year old virgin smashing out line after line of rage into your keyboard about texture sizes that anyone who isn't a weird ass-hole can't notice, are directly contributing to the dire state that PC gaming is in. When I read your illogical rants I don't feel compelled to do something to help Pc gaming. Instead I want to smash a baseball bat in your face, repeatedly, until you stop moving. And that's coming from a PC gamer. What the hell do you think console and game developers think about you? Personally if I was a developer I'd be less inclined to add updates and more inclined to just ban all the whiny little biches and send them pictures of my c**k. Making sure the pictures were in 1024X1024 resolution, so they don't claim my d**k is consolized.

Edit: Wow this forum really has 0 swear filter?
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Curveballs On Phoenix
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:34 am

good for you that you enjoy the current consolized crysis. i for one can see consolitis from a million miles away

That is such a tired and irrelevant point. Sure, some of the features were changed but they were just streamlined. Complaining about that without having a specific issue in mind makes you look clueless to how it actually benefits you. Please, tell me what is so horrendous about any of the "consolitis" features?

It has nothing to do with my enjoyment. It has everything to do with truth.

dont you see it? i see it in the suit functions. i see it in the level designs and also in the AI and physics , graphics and lack of destruction. to each his own but i see them so clearly its like NANO vision. its not horrendous at all except it is clearly console limited. does not even touch what a pc can do. the game is fine on consoles but on pc? should be better but i didnt say the game is terrible. its a perfectly acceptable console game ported over to pc nothing more.

streamlined? call it whatever you may dude.
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Jake Easom
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:56 pm

Just give it up. In another thread I actually managed to get people to argue that HL2 was a bad consolized game.

These people are retards, our version of the halo playing console kids, but rather then the console players who'll accept anything, these people accept nothing. If the game had released on DX11, they'd be complaining that it doesn't run on their PC's. If they'd have kept the old clunky control scheme they'd be complaining about not moving forwards from the terrible clunky control scheme.

They are the same people who clog up the TF2 forums talking about hats, the same ones that got up on their little baby high chairs and started crying when L4D2 was announced, then brought it anyway, the same ones that kept biching about SC2's SP when we all f***ing knew it was a MP game.

And you know what the funny thing is. When Crysis 3 is released, they'll use Crysis 2 as an example of a shining PC game that Crysis 3 was rubbish and simple port of. And they'll do it in BF3, Brink, Rage and every other game that'll come out on the PC that the idiots are right now just 'waiting for'.

Yes Pc gaming is facing a lot of issues right now, but these people constantly complaining in every game that comes onto the PC are not our saviours that see the light. THEY ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. Yes, you, the 30 year old virgin smashing out line after line of rage into your keyboard about texture sizes that anyone who isn't a weird ass-hole can't notice, are directly contributing to the dire state that PC gaming is in. When I read your illogical rants I don't feel compelled to do something to help Pc gaming. Instead I want to smash a baseball bat in your face, repeatedly, until you stop moving. And that's coming from a PC gamer. What the hell do you think console and game developers think about you? Personally if I was a developer I'd be less inclined to add updates and more inclined to just ban all the whiny little biches and send them pictures of my c**k. Making sure the pictures were in 1024X1024 resolution, so they don't claim my d**k is consolized.

Edit: Wow this forum really has 0 swear filter?

dude bashing someone with a bat. i think you are the one with issues. seek help.

letting developers know what we think is not a good thing? so what should we do keep quiet and politely write them a thank you card?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:05 am

To the OP: you are a joke.
If you really believe that the graphics on C2 are better than the ones from Crysis you are blind, or you are just an plain idiot.

Crysis 2 has the same graphics in every aspect except for textures as a maxed out crysis 1. Actually it has better water and lighting and shadows than the first game. The reason the first game looked so nice was due to an abundance of nice textures and the island setting (islands are more pretty than cities simple). That's the meat of it all.

I think Crytek deserves all credit for listening to their pc fans. It's not their fault that the game wasn't finished on release. It's EA's fault for giving a tight release date. EA did the same **** with dead space 2 pc and dragon age 2 pc. Crysis 2 is not the first EA game to be released unfinished and unpolished.
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D LOpez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:49 am

To the OP: you are a joke.
If you really believe that the graphics on C2 are better than the ones from Crysis you are blind, or you are just an plain idiot.
Yeah because people can't have opinions? Dumbass.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:58 pm

I would still say that this game has better than graphics than Crysis considering that the game is on DirectX 9. I mean, Crysis looked great but to make it look great, we had to run it on settings greater than High. Run it on Medium or less and Crysis would look almost a slightly enhanced version of Far Cry. Not to mention Crysis didn't run particularly well on the so called aging hardware at that time whereas Crysis 2 does. If Crysis 2 would have had those demanding requirements and had run on older hardware as badly as the first Crysis ran then a different chunk of PC gamers would have found tons of reasons to complain (Oh My PC can run all games at the highest settings but it can't run Crysis 2, that's so lame, and so on). Lets face it, people are bound to complain and there's nothing much that can be done to make them agree with the fact that Crysis 2 along with its drawbacks is a pretty great game with several merits !!!
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:40 am

here we go another flame war... everyone its flame war on!! crysis 1 graphics svck compared to C2!
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..xX Vin Xx..
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:24 am

What do you guys think? Am I being too optimistic, as some on Reddit have accused me? :P

Really, the only two things that disappointed me with Crysis 2 were the lack of destructibility and the inferior water (I'm hoping the water gets some kind of DX11 buff). Otherwise, once they patch out the AI bugs, I'll be out of complaints.
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:18 am

Man, it's like if it's not one problem, it's another problem, it's like people will always find an excuse to complain, It's funny how everyone goes like "Yes, textures look better on C2 but they're not! here! look 1000 times closer and look how the C1 textures had more design lines on them!!" as for those who say the game is a console port, it's been said many times by CryTek that the game was firstly developed for PC, and then ported to consoles, and I'd rather hear what they have to say than hear what a forumer might think, and honestly when you look at the console version they just did an amazing job, and the PC version is just far better than that, all the low details the console version has, the PC version doesn't have them, and iun fat manages to imrpove those low details.

I really can't complain about them bringing the game to consoles, i mean, that's the idea isn't it? PC gamers should know better than anyone that being left out of a game svcks, wether is it because of piracy and such, besides, there must be something wrong with you to say Crysis 2 is not "good enough", it's simply different from it's prequel, I find it alot more stable, good looking at it's most, nice gameplay, entertaining MP, the only thing I'd complain about would be about the tremendous amount of bugs and for the storyline...but that goes somewhere else anyway.
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Janine Rose
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:32 am

Didnt read it all, but saw nothing about fixing the games terrible hit registration. Bit tired of being headshot by someone spraying a good few feet wide of me, or being melee killed by someone facing the wrong way while im in the air above and behind them.
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Mimi BC
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:33 am


PC Gamers got the short end of the stick during development. The sad thing is, you can't even enjoy the MP when you got a bunch of hackers after hackers ruining the game. This game is dying faster than Medal of Honor, and we all know Medal of Honor didn't do that great
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:12 am

They can have my boot up their azz for trying push a worthless console port on us. Though, I will thank them for Crysis Wars. Maybe one day they'll come back to the PC fold with a real PC game.
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