Look at da salez for the xbox 360.
PC a little bit undertracked due to digital sales which the number would probably 20 percent more of what it shows.
Overall this game sold around 1.4m within 2 months of it being out and the numbers are on a stand still.
These numbers are terrible considering most Triple A games sell their prequel TOTAL sales within the 2nd WEEK. Crysis 1 sold 3 million and Warhead probably around 1 million.
Fun quote from sellout Yerli
?"If it doesn't meet our goals for whatever reason and doesn't even break even then there may not be a Crysis 3. But if it sells anywhere near what [Call of Duty] Black Ops has, there may be more from Crysis."
I guess there wont be Crysis 3 given that fact that 1.4 million is far away from 19million.
Am i rejoicing that there wont be no more crysis?
Of course this is a great example of what happens when you screw with your fanbase. Im happy the hype train ends here with a dry game and some few blindfolded fanboys left that have no say in the community LMFAO