The first two "stakeouts" were bad enough, but for the third he asked me to follow Davide Surilie ALL DAY!
WTH, I was sure he was up to something, I thought there was going to be a plot twist because it would have been so easy to assume Glarthir was simply paranoid (as in the name of this quest). I watched Davide digging in his freaking field with a rake from 9am to 1pm, followed him home for lunch, and then back to more digging until 8PM. The whole time I'm casting Restore Health spells like crazy because i'm at 100% vampirism and the sun is very bad for me.
I noticed when he passed by the Shepherd on his way from his home to his fields, Davide had a very cryptic exchange with him, something in the vein of:
- "I see you like cheese."
- "Two wheels of cheese are best this time of year."
This really seemed like some kind of secret communication about the conspiracy, forcing me to continue watching the guy rake his damned fields.
Bravo, Bethesda developers, for managing to infect me with Glarthir's paranoia!
In the end I lied and said Davide was the ringleader, and Glarthir paid me 1000 caps to whack the poor basterd. Much better pay than any gigs from the Dark Brotherhood! :twirl: