Globalization of youth culture

Post » Sun Jun 01, 2014 11:04 pm

i was just thinking right now, about how the kids that are growing up right now with access to the internet all across the world. How they are being exposed to the same sources of material and are experiencing the same cultural influences via the web.

things like youtube, image sharing sites, memes, etc.

on the internet as a media these main sites that pretty much every one uses, includes children and young advlts.

So basicly im just sitting here trying to imagine how that is going to effect this next generation of people. im not suggesting that its going to improve cultural tolerance. any one who's played games like dota or league of legends knows that internet also breeds intolerance (damn russians/brazillians won't stop feeding!!!)

so how does CD think this is going to shape the world when the next generation is running things?

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Haley Merkley
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Post » Sun Jun 01, 2014 7:09 pm

Probably the same way that it affected the generation before them and the one before that etc. Globalization of youth culture is nothing new, the same sort of thing was going on back in the 60', and probably even the 50's. The only difference is the speed that it's occurring at these days.
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Post » Sun Jun 01, 2014 5:56 pm

but it is new, the youth of the '60s were exposed to some similar points like the biggest musical groups and movies. but the internet has taken all mediums of cultural expression and has not only made it available every where, but has homogenized its consumption.

previous to the internet cultural influence was by word of mouth. you didn't hear about what movies to go see, or what books to read, or what radio/tv programs to watch/listen unless some one you personally knew told you about it.

now, because the majority of people in the developed countries have access to internet when they go to watch a video odds are in favor that they are watching it on youtube. regardless of what country they are in. and when they go to a site like youtube they are seeing the same source and list of media that people on the other side of the world are seeing. at the exact same time.

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Post » Sun Jun 01, 2014 1:57 pm


That's all I could come up with.

But I do think that the Internet culture is becoming it's own thing (granted a pretty terrible thing with all these advice animal memes), that is blurring tha lines between UK/America/Aus/etc. Whilst people will have a certain amount of local culture, I think that xenophobia will become a thing of the past via the net. Nothing whips prejudice in the bud like actually speaking to the people you are prejudice against.

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Post » Mon Jun 02, 2014 3:38 am

There was a lot more to the 60's than just the spread of music and movies. The counter-culture movement was a global thing, it wasn't something that only happened in North America. Fashions, ideas, slang all made their way around the globe. Even Soviet Russia had some hippies, and the peace sign was used and recognized all over the world. It just took a little longer for those things to spread than it does now.

You make it sound so primitive. There was radio and TV then, as well as newspapers and magazines. A lot of information was given out through those media. There's nothing miraculous about information sharing through the internet. That sort of thing has been going on for a long time now. It's just a lot quicker than it used to be. We've been developing a global culture for decades now, the internet is simply speeding up the process. And word of mouth is still an important aspect of finding what's out there on the internet. A friend tells you about a web site, and you tell another friend etc. It's really not that different from what's been like for quite some time now.
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Post » Sun Jun 01, 2014 5:39 pm

The future generation I think will be more informed, universal, and open minded than today. I just hope the future generations don't forget their integrity and ethics. It is easier to go back to the stone age than it is to transcend.

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Adam Kriner
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Post » Sun Jun 01, 2014 7:57 pm

I guess there's been a long process of "Americanization" since WW2 which has weakened a lot of other cultures around the world. With the internet these days, in some ways it's easier to escape because the web is so diverse and fluid.

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Post » Sun Jun 01, 2014 7:47 pm

It is utterly destroying the attention span of anyone bought up with it. I truly fear for anyone born later than 1995. Any time I look at a young person now, they are glued to their phones.

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Post » Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:13 pm

Hyper-culture (think Hyper-history). Just part of the information age.

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