The Commonwealth certainly gives a great contrast between a world recovering from nuclear devastation and a nuclear wasteland.
It was larger then I thought it would be, kept losing my way.
I agree, Glowing Sea is like being on a freakin' different planet or something, like the bombs dropped an hour ago.
My only gripe is the place isn't NEARLY as dangerous as it looks or feels. Bring PA and a decent gun and you're good.
Cross it in a hazmat suit with a 10 mm pistol
why cant we put armor over the hazmat suit? or at least mod it with ballistic weave complete waste imo.
Meh, I did it in a greaser jacket using a pile of rad-x, hence my post. What I meant is that, properly equipped, it's no more dangerous than any other place. The Fens is probably more dangerous due to all the well-armed mobs.
If *I* made the Sea, going in without hazmat or a suit of PA with every possible anti-rad mod would be suicide. Maybe even have special rad mods for PA and/or hazmat which you must unlock to make the trip possible.
Perhaps some unique enemies too. Some kind of Lovecraftian horror living in the diseased waters.
I know, it's almost like 1/10th of the Mojave.
Yeah.. hazmat suit is my only option as I have no modding perks and only concentrated on finding studded leather armor. So basically I'm traveling through the wastes with no armor at all. Makes it a really deadly place if you get caught off guard. Almost nothing out there has a quest leading you to it... I imagine that most people don't see half of what's out there, or even know that the area extends past the borders of the grid. Thar be much death to be had in thine glowing sea.