Glowing waster

Post » Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:40 pm

I have been experimenting with perks that I have never played in any other of my countless builds. hardcoe mode is always a given. The character is with Caesar's LegionI focused on Melee, explosives, survival, and sneek. In this build i was trying to make a character that was transforming in to a gowl.The perks i get the most use out of are Rad Child, Atomic!, Implant GRX, and Eye for an eye. I picked up the Rad Child perk at level six and found it to be an amazing perk. Atomic! is great weather you have radiation poisoning or not. Implant GRX is for me better then V.A.S.T because of the stalls and freezes I seem to go throught. Eye for an eye is key for melee and close range explosives. I usually keep my rad level at advanced radiation poisoning for the HP +4 every second from Rad child witch cut -2 END and -1 AGL as to not cut my Primary weapons stats. The weapon perks I'm runnig are Demolition Expert(rank 3),Splash Damage,Piercing Strike, Unstoppable Force, and Elijah's Rambling. As for protection I'v got Stonewall and Hit the Deck. The main weapons I use are chainsaw, Thump-thump, and Shishkebab. Anyone have any opinions or something to add?
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Kara Payne
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Post » Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:58 am

Pretty cool playthrough. Can you actually turn into ghoul? Have never tried. Wouldn't mind making myself a rad. char just for fun.
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Mon Sep 05, 2011 11:36 pm

Pretty cool playthrough. Can you actually turn into ghoul? Have never tried. Wouldn't mind making myself a rad. char just for fun.

Only with mods.
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Meghan Terry
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