What Oblivion and I are hitting on is a solid fix to this golden gun issue.
that won't happen. if it was about broken gameplay, then maybe. you need to step out of your box of what you don't like and realize where the developers are coming from. this is the most obvious way of letting people know you are buffed. plain and simple.
when i meant by complaining about the silliest things, i was referring to how people complain about the smallest aspect of a game just because they don't like it.
so you don't like the idea of the glowing guns when your buffed. i get that. but you can't tell me its not SUPER obvious to know you are buffed, which is the exact reason why they did that, to let the game know the most obvious way that your buffed.
and oblivion, your wrong, when an enemy if buffed you DON'T see their gun glowing nor do you see your teammates guns glowing, the glowing aspect is something you can see and you only.