My problem is that, after some time using gmax to model, I decided to see how different meshes for OB and MW were made and worked. I have imported some modder resource meshes from Oblivion and exported them as Morrowind meshes to see how well they worked. Everything went fine until I imported a morrowind head to see how the animation was made, after that everytime I try to import any OB nif the import settings are the same, no matter if its a static or an animated object, and the model appears weirdly altered. So I was wondering if anyone could tell me which are the best settings to import an oblivion nif that has no animation (like a statue, a barrel...) because the auto detect feature of the importer no longer works.
I made a quick import of a model from the game so that you can see my settings and that it doesn't look like it should: (I chose a Dibella statue here because I guess people is familiar with it and can tell the changes, the same thing happens to the resources i've been using)
the import settings that i get when loading an OB mesh:¤t=importOB-1.jpg
How the models looks, almost like if it had been roughly scratched or something:¤t=importOB_messed-1.jpg
I hope I explained my problem clearly, excuse my bad english, my possible noobishness and thank you very very much for this community and for your time.