In the
Gnisis Traid Houes I am geven a qust to find a chart by
Quintus Sequinus, on a shipwrek off
Tel Braora.
OK, where's the shipwrek

What's the REAL quest-name?
This has to be a mod.
1. No vanilla NPC named, Quintus Sequinus.
2. There is no shipwreck off of Tel Branora (closest would be just North of Bal Fell, unless there is one undocumented on the map).
3. Never heard of a Gnisis "Trade House".
Double check your esp load and readme files, then post in the mod forum for help or contact the mod's author.
Madach Trade House... Is this a quest from General Darius? I can't recall a quest like that with any name similar to above or involving a shipwreck around Tel Branora, and can't find anything on the UESP.