Is anyone else scared by the Goats on skyrim?
They look creepy and thus i must shoot them with my bow on sight.
Is anyone else scared by the Goats on skyrim?
They look creepy and thus i must shoot them with my bow on sight.
Not scary. But they have my lamps and wall sconces for my houses, so I end up shooting them more often than not.
The leg of goat reminds me of that scene from Jurassic park where they first encounter the T-rex
i killed them for food and to make my house but i dont find them scary
They've done me no harm, so I refuse to kill them
I don't kill them, or any other harmless animal. And when under the effect of a Spriggan's control spell, I override it with Kyne's Peace.
They are kinda cute; however Gleda is a pain in the butt if you have him/her following you, is Gleda a male or female goat?
I like goats, as more often than not a Sabre cat or bear i didn't see hiding, jumps out form bushes after them, warning me to they're presence. And seeing them around usually means there isn't an imminent threat of the animal variety nearby.