goblin goblin where art thou goblins!?

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:17 am

I consider Falmer to be Goblins. They look like Goblins, they live like Goblins, even the lore about them is somewhat "Goblinish."
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:13 am

I don't consider Falmer to be Goblins. They seem to be very different to me.

I really miss Goblins. I though the whole subculture Goblin thing was done very well in Oblivion. They seemed to be intelligent in their own way, with there own social organization and even industries, and yet completely separate from the men/mer society.

They were also great for training skills.
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:12 pm

Wait until you face the Falmer. They may not be goblins, but they are just as annoying.

They look like them though they are actually snow elves.
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Frank Firefly
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:25 pm

pfft... I dont recall the goblins having...

man and mer servants

Falmer FTW
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:34 am

The lore behind why the Falmer are as they are now is actually pretty good and explains quite well why they what they are.

yh. I go with that. I think the devs made it this way to explain their absence as a playable race. I think the lore to them is pretty cool. They were normal elves who became hostile creatures due to thousands of years living deep underground without day light.

A similar race to the falmer I'd also like to see if they ever make an Elder Scrolls game set on Summerset Isle is the Maormer who are sea elves / tropical elves who live on tropical island of Pyandonea (SE of Summerset isle). I'm expecting them to be kinda based on the Maori / Polynesian people who live the tropical islands of Oceania / Polynesian in the Pacific Ocean which'll be cool to see an Elven people like this.
This time I'm hoping they remain a normal race though.
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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:08 am

creatures from previous elderscrolls games die out it seems only bears wolves and spriggans endure the changes bethesda makes makes your wonder who the real threat is? i foresee a big evil bear trying to destroy the world next! or god forbid a MUDCRAB!

I didn't necessarily expect to see them (though it would be nice to see some that have made it up there and adapted to Skyrim), Skyrim has its own in universe ecology and the flora and fauna to go with it - bears and wolves certainly fit a place with such a cold climate at the very least and you would expect something like that to be there.

My personal in universe thoughts on a lack of Goblins is the Falmer. They would kind of fill a similar niche in Skyrim, but since the Falmer have been there for such a long time they are well established so Goblins would have a tough time breaking into the dungeon dwelling market.
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Alister Scott
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:56 pm

yh. I go with that. I think the devs made it this way to explain their absence as a playable race. I think the lore to them is pretty cool. They were normal elves who became hostile creatures due to thousands of years living deep underground without day light.

Its abit more lively than that. They became monsters mostly due to the actions of others.

The Falmer lived much like normal mer until the Nords arrived from Atmora. Initially friendly, the elf races grew to distrust their new neighbours and together sacked their beachhead city of Saarthal

The Nords returned in force and carved out a bloody section of old Skyrim for themselves mostly taken from the Falmer as their territory was closest to the beach heads.

With their armies smashed the Falmer were offered shelter by the Dwemer in a place below their cities called Blachreach.

The Dwemer didnt trust their new guests and slowly fed them a diet of toxic fungus which turned them and all future offspring blind

The Falmer then gradually went from guests, to servants to slaves for their Dwemer brothers. This eventually lead to a slave revolt and the Falmer fled deeper underground.

From here an all out war between the Falmer and the Dwemer was fought called "War of the Crag". At the same time the Dwemer were also fighting the Chimer (Ye olde Dunmer). Then POOF! The Dwemer disappeared leaving their maze of underground cities to the Falmer to blindly walk around. Years and years of fighting for their very survival had left the Falmer utterly blood thirsty, brutal and resentful

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Suzy Santana
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:48 pm

Goblins come from the Summerset Isles. Long ways away from Skyrim.

Of course, the Thalmor could have brought some goblin slaves with them.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:22 am

I have to admit I do miss the Goblins. I really like the Dregaur, just kinda creepy, along with the Falmers. I wish there was alot more creatures and wildlife.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:31 am

And goblins are much easier to kill and sneak up on. When I see one of those little Falmer winged icon things in a ruin or something I go find someplace else to play unless it's absolutely necessary.
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