unmodded play throughs use alchemy and the creeper
1. steal the masters alchemy set in the Caldera Guild.
2. steal the orc armor in Ghorak manor, Caldera (its ok, do it) and sell it to the scamp there, Creeper.
3. teleport to Wolverine Hall
4. make intelligence and drink many potions from the bloat and ash yams bought in the shrine there.
5. sell the potions to Creeper (or fatigue ones, whatever), but save some intelligence ones for later.
6. train skills in sets that best multiply your attributes, like 5 blunt for str, 5 alteration for wil
7. repeat
(thought to add, soul trapping is perhaps quicker on high levels, you can give scamp more money in the CS too)
8. soon you will be a dirty rotten cheater.