My god no...

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:44 pm

If you have never owned a pc, how can you be here!? OMG

He could be posting from a mobile/cellular device.
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CRuzIta LUVz grlz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:16 am

Yeah I saw this and it turned my stomach. On xbox live they had a suggestions page of what you would like to see in Skyrim. The suggestions included Kinnect face mapping and multiplayer, to name but a few terrible suggestions. If any such suggestions were ever implemented tes would be ruined. :facepalm:

Some dimwits play on console, others on PC, but either can make stupid suggestions like "ridable dragons", "MMO", or a return to pure "die roll" mechanics in place of a "hybrid" combat system. Hopefully, they aren't in the majority of either group, and even more hopefully, their suggestions will be taken for what they're worth......a good laugh.

I really DO want to see some user interface differences between console and PC versions, to take advantage of the strengths of each platform, not to hobble all of them with the weaknesses of the least powerful. The clunky menus with their oversized text stand out as one of my biggest complaints about OB versus MW, right after the excessive scaling issue (not that MW didn't have its fair share of problems, some of which OB actually fixed).
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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:38 am

The important thing to note is that when people talk about console gamers ruining video games, they're not talking about you, a gamer who happens to play on consoles. They're talking about the stereotype - the all too common one. The ones raised on this, or perhaps late-last generation of console, that wouldn't know a good RPG if it levelled up in their face. The sort of person who thinks a game needs multiplayer to be any good, and to whom trash talking is more an art than a scourge.

Don't take offence, it's not you people mean. Indeed, anybody capable of /understanding/ the arguments against the unwashed masses isn't who the argument is directed at. None, or very, very few of them will ever read any of the messages here.

Exactly. Like many things we shouldnt do this to, its a lazy shorthand. A better example would be the people who seem to only play Madden games: The same game comes out every year, and its clear that by the next year the bargain bins will be full of them. But because people buy them every year the process continues. The only time they get other games is when saturation becomes supercritical. Since neither Bethesda nor anyone else can count on Supercritical Fame levels, you can't build a game around it. Its destined to fail, sooner or later. Thats why I like Oblivion just as much as morrowind, but in different ways. The core is still the same, and what you get out of it is still about equal to what you put into it.

Id personally liek smaller, more interesting places that arent on the compass or what have you. Major locations sure, why should you have trouble finding Kvatch or Bravil? You wouldnt. Same with Vivec, Balmora, and some of the major places like the special daedric ruins or aylleid ruins, at least the well known ones. Aside from that, there should be places with no/very small compass ranges, since most casual palyers wont attempt to map out the entire world, and will rarely ever reach a high amount of content runs. How many people who started with oblivion could stick throug hthe number of times it takes to do every MAJOR path in Morrowind? ;) probably not tons, but thats true of a lot of people, and not a problem. The compass should definetly be biased to places your character WOULD be able to deduce the direction of easily (major cities, sites, etc.). I never liked having to figure out if that town icon was going to be before or past the three Cave icons.
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:48 am

Yeah, because you have to be a genius to own a pc. :whistling:

ok well im sorry i confused so many of you. lol what i meant from not owning my own pc is oblivion is primarily my only experience of tes and loved it so am hoping that bethsda dont listen to any stupid suggestions. i know there may be things many dont like/dissapointed with but as many have stated it depends how there implemented into the game thank you all for your replies and giving me a measure of hope that nothing ridiculous will be implmented.

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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:46 am

I don't think that a company who releases one game every three years is money hungry... But keep thinking whatever you want! :celebration:

More to the point, ZeniMax is not publicly traded and so is not required by U.S. law and/or shareholder pressure to maximize profit. Sure they want to make enough money that it's worthwhile, but the very fact that they aren't publicly traded is a clear indication that they're willing to compromise sheer mass of income for a certain level of product standards.

Whether those standards have slipped over the years or it's just a difference in priorities between the developers and the fans is a legitimate topic, but there's no evidence that it's dumbed down for mainstream appeal. (For standards compliance, yes... I was very happy to see an age check before the Skyrim trailer!)
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Steve Fallon
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:10 am

I play games on both console and PC. Console, mostly, since my PC isn't that great. I play Oblivion on PC, and spent a fair amount on a graphics card just so that I could play it on low graphics. Consider how expensive it can be to build a PC capable of running alot of today's games. It's cheaper to buy it on console. Nonetheless, I prefer PC gaming, despite my below-par pc. I just play more games on console because I don't have the money to spend on improving my computer to such a level that it can handle games I could easily play on my xbox for less.

But, please, Bethesda. No multiplayer or riding dragons -.-

And, yes, I have played Morrowind. I'm sick of people who tell Bethesda how to make Skyrim, having only ever played Oblivion. It's impossible to judge what would make it a good TES game only having played Oblivion.
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josh evans
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:19 am

Actually, some of us play on consoles because we simply don't have computers capable of playing these games. It's much cheaper to get an Xbox 360 compared to the prices of gaming PCs.


It would not be cool to ride a dragon in TES. That's just plain stupid. And we don't know for sure if dragons still exist.

Bethesda has stated that there will be dragons.

I disagree that riding a dragon is stupid on basic principle, though I do think it being a common occurrence would certainly cheapen the experience in Skyrim.

On topic: I am a 15 year old console gamer. My "friend" is a 15 year old console gamer too. He wants the next TES game to have a zombie horde overrun Skyrim and the dragons battling them. I don't.

Why'd you put friend in quotation marks?
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Wane Peters
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:11 am

"On the Xbox dashboard there's a bulletin about Skyrim asking Xbox players what they want. There are some dumb suggestions like the ability to ride a dragon. I hope that they don't listen to Xbox players."

That's what he was trying to say. I certainly hope they make this game without console in mind.

They better not. It'll be toned far down if it is D:
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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:26 am

I was very happy to see an age check before the Skyrim trailer!)

Why? It's not like there were naked Nord women everywhere. I hate that pandering to the anti-gamer crap when it's so unnecessary.
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Maya Maya
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:23 am

I play games on both console and PC. Console, mostly, since my PC isn't that great. I play Oblivion on PC, and spent a fair amount on a graphics card just so that I could play it on low graphics. Consider how expensive it can be to build a PC capable of running alot of today's games. It's cheaper to buy it on console. Nonetheless, I prefer PC gaming, despite my below-par pc. I just play more games on console because I don't have the money to spend on improving my computer to such a level that it can handle games I could easily play on my xbox for less.

But, please, Bethesda. No multiplayer or riding dragons -.-

And, yes, I have played Morrowind. I'm sick of people who tell Bethesda how to make Skyrim, having only ever played Oblivion. It's impossible to judge what would make it a good TES game only having played Oblivion.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:59 pm

I never got the PC elitist comments some make.So I play Elder Scrolls on my Xbox, does that mean my opinions do not matter? Is it because I am 14? Or is it because im younger and play on the Xbox? All opinions are equal, are we so called 'console' gamers are ruining your game by simply giving an opinion you dont agree with? You think your a gaming God and a 'hardcoe' player because you own a PC? Well then screw you good sir or madam. /end rant.

I dont beleve that either system or pc is better, it all comes down to preference and somtimes income.Is it possible to 'mainstream' a game? Depends on your definition of mainstream.

In this case, I dont think Bethesda will kick their own lore in the nads over some stupid comments.They will do what they do best in the end, and take suggestions from the community.
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:53 pm

well everyone knows console users are evil.....

what was I going to say :confused:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:06 am


Bethesda has stated that there will be dragons.

I disagree that riding a dragon is stupid on basic principle, though I do think it being a common occurrence would certainly cheapen the experience in Skyrim.

Why'd you put friend in quotation marks?

Because he hangs with my actual friends and therefore is nearly always there with me. He is also quite... ermm... stupid? Yes, stupid (Not in a too-slow-to-follow way, but... Think of a typical [censored] or wannabe gangster turn gaming geek that thinks he knows how to make better games then Blizzard, BioWare, BGS ect.).
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:54 pm

The thing that brought rpg's like morrowind to the forefront and made them so popular on consoles is the fact that NO OTHER rpg had to offer for console the things morrowind did thats why so many people loved morrowind and oblivion sadly Like cake icecream and other sweet treat if you play enough of them they lose their taste/and you lose the desire to eat them like this now that their are so many rpgs on console people are more diversified in what they want which makes it hard to produce a product to appeal to all gamers Morrowind was unique in that xbox had NOTHING that could compare and compete with it, that coupled with the depth, story, and replay value is what kept our hopes so strong.
When oblivion came many of us had been waiting forever to see the sequel to bring back that feeling of awe and wonder we hadn't felt for years in an rpg at first it was everything we hoped for but over time we found flaws that angered us like vampires ceasing to be a bloodline/faction with related quests and No werewolves which angered us bloodmooners (great title for a group by the way) that coupled with the lack of beards, easter eggs, sweet weapons and armor (unique ones) made many a morrowind veteran angry.

What do we as gamers hope for now well to name a few werewolves (and ability to become one) along with the way they worked in morrowind ie running on all fours snarls howls etc, unique weapons and armor, sweet quests,and overall that Wicked beards for our Nordic viking esque characters because nothing says don't F*** with me Like a Nordic silver battleaxe and a 4ft braided beard.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:57 am

"On the Xbox dashboard there's a bulletin about Skyrim asking Xbox players what they want. There are some dumb suggestions like the ability to ride a dragon. I hope that they don't listen to Xbox players."

That's what he was trying to say. I certainly hope they make this game without console in mind.

The majority of people on this board are PC games and not only (most) being ignorant to console games/gaming, they still buy and play these games and then anticipate the next game. Not only that yeah there is a lot of dumb suggestions in these fourms. I'm sure it's almost halfway mutual. I play PC and Console games. I always found PC gamers to be more ignorant as their playstyle diminishes. They cry when console players get a good game and no port. If console players don't get a port, they don't care, off to the next game. When PC games feel something is being "dumbed down" because of console gamers, PC guys still give Bethesda money. Ignorance seem to make some money in the gaming industry. Console gaming is the main money maker and PC gaming got the MMO's. When you try to cross those two facts, fights erupt.

I don't know why some of the people feeling that the last game was "dumbed-down" and waiting for Skyrim. You obviously enjoyed it. But hey, give Bethesda that money. Appreciate it.


Gaming: Don't matter what we play, we all are games.

Football: Don't matter what team we like, we all love football.

Females: We don't discriminate, it's all the same color....

Don't discriminate on gaming, just play what you like and let people enjoy what they like too.
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:34 pm


Back on topic, Im a console gamer and all i want is that ginger kid of the new Windows 7 'To The Cloud' advert to go away!!! :)
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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:24 am

Why'd you put friend in quotation marks?

Because you don't have real friends at 15?

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remi lasisi
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:24 am

Because you don't have real friends at 15?


Yeah, I mean it's totally impossible to find a friend amongst those 1200 people in school.
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matt oneil
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:55 am

Why? It's not like there were naked Nord women everywhere. I hate that pandering to the anti-gamer crap when it's so unnecessary.

No pandering here, just good business. Bethesda learned their lesson with OB and just like FO3 and New Vegas they are coming out of the gate with a mature rating and that's just smart.
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:34 pm

Hi there I am a 360 gamer never owned a pc but have stalked these forums moving from one thread to another. most of them with one complaint or another about us ''console'' gamers. and how we are going to ruin RPG'S etc for everyone until today i thought it was just worry mongering. but after a look on my 360 dashboard and finding the head line What do you want in SKYRIM im starting to see why so many are worried. many seem to want mountable dragons or some form of dragon age rip off my question is why? i love oblivion and even if skyrim had everything the same as it (bar story of course) i'll be buying it regardless i will edit this and put in some of the suggestions made in due time (wife's watching tv) thank you for reading.

as this may be my last post befoe x mas may i wish you all a very merry christmas and a happy new year.


Well, that is why many PC gamers complain about console gamers. Not that I have anything against them. But as you can see, some just don't realize some things are stupid (mountable dragons), common ignorance of the masses.
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patricia kris
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:20 am

Hi there I am a 360 gamer never owned a pc but have stalked these forums moving from one thread to another. most of them with one complaint or another about us ''console'' gamers. and how we are going to ruin RPG'S etc for everyone until today i thought it was just worry mongering. but after a look on my 360 dashboard and finding the head line What do you want in SKYRIM im starting to see why so many are worried. many seem to want mountable dragons or some form of dragon age rip off my question is why? i love oblivion and even if skyrim had everything the same as it (bar story of course) i'll be buying it regardless i will edit this and put in some of the suggestions made in due time (wife's watching tv) thank you for reading.

as this may be my last post befoe x mas may i wish you all a very merry christmas and a happy new year.


It's kinda interesting that you say you've never owned a PC yet you've managed to stalk these forums... somehow...
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Joey Avelar
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:13 am

It's kinda interesting that you say you've never owned a PC yet you've managed to stalk these forums... somehow...

Oh shi- *mindblown*

Holy crap, that is mind f-ing.
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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:31 am

Just in case anyone forgot about this:

7. Flaming is not allowed.

Insulting individuals or groups of members and name calling are flames. Any remark that is made to insult another member or group of members will be considered a flame and thus you may receive a warning for it.
Calling people a troll or an apologist for instance can both be considered a flame as can calling someone stupid or ADD. Attacking Xbox players, PS3 players or PC players is not allowed and calling them "console kiddies" or in anyway indicating someone is in some way a lesser person because of their choice is considered a flame here.

If this moves into a discussion about why different groups might want different things in a game, fine.

If it continues with people taking shots at platforms that aren't their favorite, its going to get locked.
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Jamie Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:52 pm

The important thing to note is that when people talk about console gamers ruining video games, they're not talking about you, a gamer who happens to play on consoles. They're talking about the stereotype - the all too common one. The ones raised on this, or perhaps late-last generation of console, that wouldn't know a good RPG if it levelled up in their face. The sort of person who thinks a game needs multiplayer to be any good, and to whom trash talking is more an art than a scourge.

Don't take offence, it's not you people mean. Indeed, anybody capable of /understanding/ the arguments against the unwashed masses isn't who the argument is directed at. None, or very, very few of them will ever read any of the messages here.

Exactly, not all console gamers are "mainstream" gamers, but all "mainstream" gamers play on consoles. This isn't entirely true, but it's usually what people mean about "console gamers" on this, and other forums.
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:16 pm

Not console gamers per se pose a threat to good ol' PC gaming. It's the fact that consoles are so limited in what you can do with them. The lack of proper input devices and a useful OS for example. Games get developed for that. Bad thing.
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Darlene DIllow
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