The important thing to note is that when people talk about console gamers ruining video games, they're not talking about you, a gamer who happens to play on consoles. They're talking about the stereotype - the all too common one. The ones raised on this, or perhaps late-last generation of console, that wouldn't know a good RPG if it levelled up in their face. The sort of person who thinks a game needs multiplayer to be any good, and to whom trash talking is more an art than a scourge.
Don't take offence, it's not you people mean. Indeed, anybody capable of /understanding/ the arguments against the unwashed masses isn't who the argument is directed at. None, or very, very few of them will ever read any of the messages here.
Exactly. Like many things we shouldnt do this to, its a lazy shorthand. A better example would be the people who seem to only play Madden games: The same game comes out every year, and its clear that by the next year the bargain bins will be full of them. But because people buy them every year the process continues. The only time they get other games is when saturation becomes supercritical. Since neither Bethesda nor anyone else can count on Supercritical Fame levels, you can't build a game around it. Its destined to fail, sooner or later. Thats why I like Oblivion just as much as morrowind, but in different ways. The core is still the same, and what you get out of it is still about equal to what you put into it.
Id personally liek smaller, more interesting places that arent on the compass or what have you. Major locations sure, why should you have trouble finding Kvatch or Bravil? You wouldnt. Same with Vivec, Balmora, and some of the major places like the special daedric ruins or aylleid ruins, at least the well known ones. Aside from that, there should be places with no/very small compass ranges, since most casual palyers wont attempt to map out the entire world, and will rarely ever reach a high amount of content runs. How many people who started with oblivion could stick throug hthe number of times it takes to do every MAJOR path in Morrowind?

probably not tons, but thats true of a lot of people, and not a problem. The compass should definetly be biased to places your character WOULD be able to deduce the direction of easily (major cities, sites, etc.). I never liked having to figure out if that town icon was going to be before or past the three Cave icons.