I think it is less of a "I want to be all powerful!" thing, and more of a "Why did I even bother leveling up" thing.... When there is no reward for it, because your enemies keep changing and getting as powerful as you are, then there is no achievement.
Level-scaling is the culprit, and I hope they've fixed the issues. I want there to be some enemies that are always tough, and some that are completely underpowered once you reach your peak.
Sorry but based on the posts im seeing, it is exactly that "i want to be all powerful" thing that people are wanting. AS you can see from the posts below yours which ill quote, i could also point you to the op of the other thread who wishes to destroy handfulls of strong enemies with a single spell. While i agree with you that level scaling is a problem, i think there is already a perfectly reasonable option in place that allows them to achieve this level of power, the difficulty slider. I think its completely ridiculous for them to want to force others who dont want to be stupidly dumb strong to stop mastering the skills they enjoy or else they will become this super over powered character.
Its obviously just my opinion but once you actually stop having to try to do or think about how you go about doing anything anything(by this i mean enemies no longer presenting a challenge, not having to use strategy to defeat them etc) the game just is infintely boring at that point and i dont think that just by working hard at a skill you enjoy that you should naturally become that powerful.
Again ill say the difficulty slider is a perfectly reasonable way to obtain this level of power without forcing others who dont like the godmode aspect to stop playing the game for fear of becoming that strong and losing interest. And are people really not able to tell the difference when leveling up/obtaining new armor/weapons?...or is it just that they want the different to be astronomical.
When I am not a Demi-god by level 60-70, there is something wrong with the game.
I would like a rewarding progression of power.
I would have to disagree(my opinion)....i enjoy the game and i enjoy the challenge of the game , like i said if it you naturally gained that power just by leveling....and you could dispatch everything with little to zero thought/effort.....i would completely lose interest as that would be incredibly boring to me, and i dont want to be forced to STOP LEVELING/using the skills i enjoy if i didnt want to become that powerful.
Personally, uber characters bore me, so I don't play them. I don't care if somebody else does though.
What is so wrong about using the difficulty slider to make yourself all powerful?(thats not directed at you really but id like your opinion) I would hate if having put many hours into my character that he became all powerful.
People say its all about choice, the difficulty slider is there to make everything weaker(in turn making you all powerful=problem solved). So thats a reasonable choice. But when they say it should occur naturally just by putting lots of hours in i completely disagree with that, and id have to say the dont like it dont use it argument doesnt work there at all, theyre basically telling you to stop playing the way you enjoy or stop leveling if you dont like it. That seems like the complete opposite of having choices.(again difficulty slider is a choice for those who wish the enemies to be easier=them wanting to be all powerful so it works out that way)