Godmode: tgm gets an upgrade... (pc only)

Post » Sun Jun 22, 2014 8:47 pm

So, you want to know the dark arts of cheating, do ye? Well, grab a chair and let me tell you some tips and tricks I have learned over the years in Skyrim.

I've played skyrim for so long... so long... and, needless to say, I've found a heck of a lot of commands. These require NO MODS WHATSOEVER, but are compatible with HUGE MODLISTS.

first: a godmode profile (don't know how to change it back to default stats, but you'll be pretty beastly...)

so, console commands include infinite gold, lockpicks, magicka (never need to regen), health, carryweight, and stamina.

first, you need to know 2 numbers: 9 0's, and 12 0's.
if you type in player.additem f 10000000000000000000, you get negative gold, and you can't buy anything. your gold will look somethng like -28904808408340. we can fix that by typing in 9 "0's". so you would type instead:

player.additem f 1000000000

now for lockpicks. the reason we do 9 0s and not 12 0s is because stats are different. we DON'T want them to be negative.

so, lockpicks is:

player.additem a 1000000000

so, items are 9 0s, stats are 12 0's. but how to add stats? there are 4 stats you want to edit. health, magicka, stamina, and carryweight. you can do these in any order, but here are the commands:

player.modav magicka 1000000000000

there are 3 "av" commands. there is setav (temporary, until you save and exit), modav (changes forever), and forceav (for when modav doesn't work. i think this is for npcs, but i usually don't change their stats...)

anyways, use modav, because for a god profile, you want it forever, and not glitch up your game (forceav is known to do that)

so, there's

player.modav stamina 1000000000000
health 1000000000000
and replace health with carryweight for the backpack storage.

these stats allow you to use spells as long as you want without recharging, never dying because your health will never deplete, being able to loot whatever you want, and carry around outrageous backpack items (it has never lagged my game), and run, block, bash, and charge your way through hordes of enemies.

(why NOT to use tgm (godmode))
if you are tired of seeing your ui flash with a full health bar, while youre running, or shooting a spell, then you might want to get rid of it... this command only very rarely shows a stat bar, and that's only a once in a few hours chance. godmode, however, will give you neverending arrows, which is good for archers. except for that, this is a more permenant (only type in once), and less intrusive way.

this is very useful for people who think that being able to only bash somebody once is not enough, don't want to revert to an older save, want to run through the giant roads of skyrim, kill enemies without using a magicka potion, and just want to use the mace to its full power constantly.

now for the other commands... these include lydia never dying, other people you don't want dead to never die (or you don't want to be a criminal or lose your blacksmith to a dragon), paarthurnax not making you an enemy of the graybeards, and your horse becomes a killing machine.

first, you'll need to know 2 commands: help 4, and setessential 1
so, you want lydia to be able to fend for herself, but you are worried that her fragile body will be crushed by an ice troll... well, no longer!
help lydia 4
this command will show you an id for lydia.
it should show 1 result: a2c8e

now, you'll type:
setessential a2c8e 1

now if lydia fights a troll, she will just go kneeling for a few seconds before joining the fight again!

so, if you do the help for everybody in skyrim, you can make riverwood invincible (no more letters of a dead friend, no more shops being closed), or make other cities let you keep the people you want.

to undo anybody (dark brotherhood contract, just want to be a criminal)

setessential a2c8e 0
this will make lydia killable once again.

paarthurnax... he HAS to die, but you don't WANT him to die... you can either choose the greybeards, or the blades. It's a tough decision, but no longer!

just type in setstage mqpaarthurnax 100

then, the greybeards will not be offended, and the blades will accept you into their club. best of both worlds...

so, multiple marriages...
you think I have the answer, but I don't. I even emailed the skyrim email help list but they didn't answer back (probably a stupid question). If you have any input on that, it would be deeply appreciated so I can add that to my bag of tricks.

and by the way, these numbers of 9 and 12 just came out of trial and error. I found them and never thought to try any others out... If you see any other numbers that are less than more than 9 while still keeping it positive, and under 12 that still keep it negative, that would be appreciated as well.

*variations of the command will be separated by commas)
player.additem f,a 1000000000
player.modav magicka,health,stamina,carryweight 1000000000000
help lydia 4
setessential a2c8e 1,0
setstage mqpaarthurnax 100

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Richus Dude
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Post » Sun Jun 22, 2014 4:01 pm

No offense, it's cool that you're trying to help people, but... what's the point of this? :P The game's ancient, and all this info is already available all over the internet. :P

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Post » Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:58 pm

Console users can do most of this with the Almighty Restoration Loop, also.

Ulfius' Lydia is unkillable, and he can carry around a nearly infinite amount of items, thanks to a pair of boots I enchanted, but I use those only for moving houses--just equip the boots, grab all my stuff, and go.

Of course, it takes a good bit longer than entering console commands (which is impossible on the Box), but some of this stuff is doable for console gamers.

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Post » Sun Jun 22, 2014 8:01 pm

The numbers that hold actor values, gold amounts and such are 32-bit signed integers, which can range in value from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. Any values less than or more than those values cause the number to "overflow", resulting in unintended negative or positive values which can cause all kinds of strange things to happen in the game.

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