» Fri May 27, 2011 10:40 am
uhhg... Pictures of how i couldn't run morrowind because of an incompatable video card... Runs oblivion like its a joke, but MGE made my laptop very sad... and me too, I loved Morrowind, oh well. I havent seen or heard of any mods that do what your looking for, but from my understanding of things Morrowind handles such mods much more smoothly than Oblivion which can take big fps and performance hits simply because of its engine and core, but hey thats just my tiny knowledge.
What I really want is a re-release of morrowind with MGE(ESNB series + Vality7's unspeakable win) level graphics, Deadly reflexes combat, and the diversity of FCOM, and of course no blunt axes, and with robes on top of armor/ different gloves/boots/pauldrens. But this will probably never happen. Speaking of which, what ever happened to Vailty and his mods? He just seemed to dissapear... I miss the videos on youtube...