I have played and will continue to play (or at least try to play) unarmored for RP reasons. Hopefully the reduced encumberance will allow for some speed advantage. If not, oh well.
One thing that seems apparent is that with every skill contributing to leveling up there would seem to be a need to raise every skill - as opposed to having a subset of skills defined by a class contribute to leveling. Seems the way to play this game as an RPer is to limit use of skills as appropriate and accept a lower max level.
To match the levelling of content and enemies, you only need to reach level 50, so ignoring a third of the skills should be fine. Also, if you level with a broad range of skills, you will level more slowly. If you want to get perks, sticking to a narrower set is the way to go.
Taking all the magic skills, one weapon type, and one armour, you may level a bit slower than a pure mage, the important thing is every armour or weapon perk taken is one less for magic, and these will play as much a part in defining your character as your skills. A battlemage will have them spread more thinly, so a pure mage is more effective at casting than a hybrid, regardless of skills. It's one thing for a caster to wear armour, and raise the skill passively, quite another to invest in it's effectiveness.