What makes it hard is that there were vaults Skirt, and tons of them. They had GECKs, which are tools for starting a farm, starting a new life, and rebuilding society. Those vaults had arms, means of purifying water, and means of shelter in case of emergency. Yes, they were used as social experiments, but they were equipped for survival after some form of disaster. Yes, Vaults were to be used for not just nuclear war, but also meteor impacts, plagues, invasion, and even more.
What went wrong with DC? Why is it that 200 years that there seems to be no real progress to rebuilding society?
I highly recommend playing the originals, you can usually find them for about 20 USD.
I looked into it but of course, I own a Mac :angel:
I can see what you're saying, but my original argument holds true. Humans all have the same skeletal structure, same number and placement of organs, and all the organs are ment to function in the same way. We all started at the same place, and all had the capacity to discover fire, invent the wheel, learn to domesticate animals, figure out irrigation, and so on and so forth. Yet, still, something didn't quite "click" or "went wrong" and there are a number of cultures that just didn't get past certain technological milestones.
All it takes is one person with the will and drive to make it work...or to break and all potential crumbles into nothing. There isn't a single NPC I met in FO3 that struck me as the type that could forge his or her own, except perhaps dear old dad or the Overseer, the former who DID apply his ambition towards establishing a major step towards what could turn into wide-spread agriculture, and the latter who didn't want to branch out beyond the Vault, so his loyalty to the program is what held him back.
Andronicus, I will accept your beer...this time. You won't be able to recruit me, though