» Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:22 am
Well, different strokes for different folks, as my rather old-fashioned mother would put it.
I for one, am not bothered by it, but I got massively desensitized in the army. Again, most games these days have an option to turn voice dialogue off if you dislike it. The first Crysis, the swearing didn't bother me, and I don't expect them to sound like a bunch of kids that just found out about the words in this one either.
But really, asking any major media industry to only use swearing, violence, or nudity when it really fits is a bit of a joke. They won't because people expect certain things from certain franchises. If I watch a Die Hard movie, I expect to hear "Yippi ki yay mother f***er".
Some things take themselves more seriously than others, and some things, in taking themselves seriously, go over what some people consider "the top". There will always be someone offended by everything, the best they can do is make the game the way they feel it should be made, and let sales speak for themselves. They plainly feel that some amount of swearing enhances the realism of the dialogue. I frankly agree. You clearly don't.
Your opinion won't change, neither will mine. (Unless they DO sound like a bunch of school kids in the game.) All we can do is vote with our money, and set our settings how we like them. For you, that may include turning off dialogue volume. Whatever sinks your submarine is ok by me.