1. Now, i played FO:3 for a good 100 plus hours yet it seemed cool for that time but i got no where near the amount of gameplay as i did from Oblivion (played it 1000 plus hours). What i want to hone in on is:
how many hours of gameplay can i expect to get from this game? One of my favorit things to do is go out and explore. Skyrim is great cause you radom actions can lead you into unscripted events by discovery. I also know that FO:3 was heavy on exploration.
2. Thus, i figure if i want to explore i'll live in Skyrim, and if i want a deeper RPG experience i'll try out FO:NV.
Now, another concern i have is i know there is a lot of DLC out there and i just want to get the best ones, and the ones that raise the level cap so talking points on that would be great. 3. Also, if this game was judged by the relative of how we judge morrowind, oblvion and skyrim, apart from lore, which one of these game in terms of its RPG essenc would it most be like.
4. And, is there anyone out there that has had FO:NV since day one and is still playing it?
5. If so, what is it about this game that gives it such a lasting appeal? Thanks

1. I currently have around 600 hours and still playing.
2. All the DLC's have different pro's and con's to them.
In Dead Money you have all your gear taken from you and you have to survive through an environment where the air is literally trying to kill you, all the while trying to help some mad man who's holding you captive through an explosive collar on your neck. It's a very SAW-like DLC, lots of horror and survival atmosphere. It is the best DLC RPG wise as every bit of dialogue matters and will help you or be held against you by the ened.
In Honest Hearts you get a more linear experience in terms of story, it's very fetchquest'y with it's choices lying by the end, but it's beautiful canyon, new addition of rain to Zion, clear water and survival of the fittest wildlife make it a wonderful experience along with great characters and a tough moral choice for the tribes of Zion.
Old World Blues I shall not comment on, I hated it and will not be fair.
Lonesome Road is linear'ish, it has choices with Ulysses, the main antagonist (sort of) to The Courier (you), but it's mostly a linear combat-based DLC.
Thing with LSR is that you can come and go as you please, you can at any point return back home if you want to aand come back later.
All of these DLC's give you new perks, weapons, armors, chems and medicine and each give +5 level cap (but it becomes very unbalanced at lvl 50).
Then we have Gun Runner's Arsenal which is basically a weapon pack with some challenges.
3. It can't be compared to any of the Elder Scroll titles as it's nothing like any of them apart from the obvious engine similarities, button layout and sandbox theme.
4. I do.
5. It's one of the few actual RPG's that's been released as of late. You can choose to end the game 7 ways with Dead Money installed. You can side with NCR, a flawed democracy nation who's greed and impotence makes them barely able to hold the Mojave. House, a man who cares only about his little town and land and couldn't care less if both Legion and NCR and all those in it burned. Legion, a nation of sixist slavers that will bring ultimate stability to the wasteland, or go with Yes Man. I will not spoil what the other 3 paths are though. It has so many choices in it that it's absurd, I still haven't been able to become leader of the _____ and I've helped them 3 times already. I play New Vegas to this day because it's a wonderful experience to actually have consequences to your actions, to seee that not everything in the world is black and white, and that sometimes evil must be done for the greater good.
I'd say buy it if you want a great RPG experience.
It has choices and consequences, real dialogue, great writing, a wonderful and coherent (albeit uneventful (in terms of encounters after a couple of playthroughs)) wasteland, fantastic characters which are memorable and not just random named NPC's, and a lot of vocie actors.
In short, New Vegas, despite it's flaws, is awesome.