I need help with getting started. I just don't have any inspiration. Can anyone help me? Like I need somewhere to start. Any help would be appreciated.

Heres a strange one...
The bombs drop, all the major continents of the world become radioactive wastelands...
In a matter of hours 60% of the worlds population die...
The groups that survive;
Those in the experimental Vaults, those in the US Government, US soldiers in an FEV lab (go on to form BOS), those on small islands or far away from civilisation (eg Amazon tribes)...
The crew of a large Oil tanker/military vessle.
The hour the bombs dropped they where far out in the pacific, they knew they could not return to America.
For years the crew was harboured near a small island far out into the pacific scraping by from the little ammount of food from the island and risking fishing the mildly radiated water for fish...
Now the ancestors of the crew 3, 4 maybe even 9 or 10 generations later sail back to boston harbour where they will dock and enter the unknown wasteland they used to call thier home....