Fast travel or no? Depends on what you want out of the game. If you are an objective junkie, like my wife is with games (she LOVES the Lego series on xbox...say no more), she only fast-travels.
I prefer the journey, the planning, gather food in prep, lining up my route between objective points, having item "stashes" in my houses, and ignoring heavy loot (not like money is a problem in this game). I'm not interested in rushing through to get to the next game. I actually LIVE in Solitude...I spend about a week 'at home' smithing and doing alchemy, visiting the bar at night, arranging my stuff. No, I'm not nuts...I find that this way, when I journey, it has more of an just means more to me.
But if I had kids and a wife who wasn't a Sims/Lego addict, I'd probably fast-travel