By Mephala: this dictatorship has turned into a democracy! :ahhh:
I wouldn't be against either Manu or Albo taking the reins (though I admit to having more trust in Manu, the more experienced RPer). Maybe you could both run your ideas, and just contact the other in PM to make sure you don't tread on the other's toes?
And I don't have any trouble with either of these new character sheets. It makes sense for an enchanter's strength to lie in his magical items, and a necromancer to be schooled in, well, necromancy. I just can't shake the feeling that my Legionnaire is going to end up fighting at least one of these Altmer.

And now, to help keep things moving ic before the Cuddly Bear notices this little stutter...
Annette paused and winced as a beggar wandered up to her and asked her for spare change. For a moment, she considered moving onward... she hadn't made eye-contact yet... certainly the gods couldn't ask her to give to
every beggar in a very beggar-ridden city. Even though she could spare the coin, and would be able to provide for herself even if she went completely broke, so really had no excuse...
Oh, blast it.
Anne reached into the pouch at her hip, pulled out a gold piece, and securely refastened the pouch shut (Gods knew there were enough pickpockets around to make that necessary). Then, she executed a quarter turn to face the beggar and held the coin out to him.
Huh... this Dunmer didn't look much like a beggar. He was built like a soldier... an active one, not a veteran. And he had ritual tattoos too, just like the Orc she'd seen earlier. Great, just great. She was sticking her hand into a vat of Daedra worshippers. Wonderful.
Then again, Dunmer were typically Daedra worshippers by default. And it could have been a coincidence.
She shook her head to herself. She was over-anolyzing things. Again. Just give to the beggar, Annie.
"Here's what I can spare," she told the Dunmer with a wry smile. "Don't spend it all in one place."