Easy Gold (Prepatch)
Any time after you have finished the tutorial in the imperial sewers at the start of the game, you can kill a specific person and loot unlimited amounts of gold from them. Here's how you do it:
In the Imperial City, Talos district, find a house owned by a person named Dorian, it will be called "Dorian's House". Try to get him angry enough with you via threatening him. Once he has a low enough disposition (lower than 20) with him, he will ask you to leave. At this point kill him and go to loot his body. He should have around 40 gold and some other misc items. LOOT ALL THE ITEMS FIRST leaving the gold, DO NOT LOOT ALL. When you go to take the gold, it will glitch and keep allowing you to take the gold off him. Make sure he doesn't leave or alerts any of the guards and save before attempting this. After about an hour of hitting the same button, I had 150k gold. Note: You can bribe him before doing this glitch and you'll make more gold. This no longer works after a recent June patch to the game."
I don't understand it tho, I have done this online than I went to my HDD and clicked to have the Memory Clear System Catch or however its spelled and than I went offline so that no more patches could be done, I kill the guy when he has 0 disposition and is telling me to "Leave"
I attack and kill him, loot his body of his clothing and Key than I try to take his gold but than it is gone for good, I have also tried it when I take everything but the gold, leave his body than click on it again and take the gold only to have it go away for good, can anyone help me with this> I thought clearning the memory erases the patches....
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong here? I need gold and I know there are other ways but I am only level 1 atm but want alot of gold fast