aye i will let is happen alright man but no super duper crazy stuff ok bro. if you want to join like around tomorrow i can have you aiding the refugees when they come in to Seyda Neen
Nah I wont uber and have him evade impossible odds. But he is going to be pretty badass, I can't avoid that due to his background and age.

Here's his char sheet so you guys can look over it and suggest some changes (which I'm fully open to). It's not that deep since I just kinda wrote it up quickly. Normally mine are a whole lot longer than this, you should see the char I have stored for the IBT, It's like 4 pages in microsoft word.
Name: Thaden Andrethi (THAY-den)
Race: Dunmer
Age: 241 (Appears mid 30’s due to magick)
Gender: Male
Birthsign: The Warrior
Appearance: Thaden stands about 6’1”, he is muscular and very fit do to his rigorous training. His face is strong and well defined baring a few scars. His hair is charcoal black and kept short but not shaved. His eyes like all Dunmer’s are crimson red.
Class: Royal Guard Captain
Class Description: The Royal Guards are probably the most ruthless and dangerous fighters in the eastern half of Tamriel. They can go toe to toe with Almalexia’s hands and not back down. The Royal Guards are trained in a wide variety of skills from assassination to diplomatic reasoning. They have one and only one job serve and protect the King of Morrowind to their death.
Skills: Thaden is very proficient in the arts of medium armor, blades, destruction, restoration, mysticism, conjuration, spears, and athletics. He is quite strong and extremely enduring due to his Birthsign.
Minor abilities: Is a natural leader and a master of rhetoric. He is also surprisingly adept at being able to survive in harsh conditions. His mental willpower is very high along with his overall intelligence. Thaden is also a master at war tactics and strategies.
Armor/Clothing: Thaden wears the traditional Crimson Armor of the Royal Guard over a nice set of clothes.
Weapons: Like most Royal Guards Thaden carries The King’s Oath, an enchanted Daedric claymore. However he tailored his enchantments to his liking by adding a feather enchantment to make the claymore lighter so that he could wield it one handed while casting a spell.
Background: Thaden was enlisted in the academy at a young age by his father who was also a Royal Guard. The training program implemented at the academy is similar to how the Spartans conducted their militaristic society, only the strong make it out alive. By the time he was in his late teens Thaden had already been marked as top in his age group. Through many years of rigorous training and education Thaden had become the ideal Royal Guard, strong, smart, and deadly. At the age of 32 he was enlisted as a full member of the Royal Guard. He served the various Kings of Morrowind all the way up to the current King Helseth. During King Llethan’s reign he was promoted to captain of the Royal Guard. He served Llethan until his unfortunate and mysterious death. When King Helseth took over he appointed Thaden as captain of his “behind the scenes” Royal Guards, the ones that made sure everything went his way. During his time acting as a covert agent for Helseth he earned a reputation as a ruthless and lethal fighter, there is a rumor among the guards that he fought off two dozen savage goblins in the sewers beneath the Palace while the other guards retreated back to safety. He emerged battered and wounded but alive. To this day Thaden still loyally serves the King of Morrowind in any way he can, and will continue to do so until his death.
Metal Description: Thaden is a battle hardened warrior, through the rigorous and intense training he went through as a child he was taught to ignore fear and pain. His mentality can be described as quick thinking, intelligent and decisive.
Motivation: Orders from King Helseth himself. The King wanted one of his best men to make sure everything goes good on Vvardenfell and this threat be eliminated before it spreads to the mainland.