Golden Gloves

Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:02 am

So I'm playin throguh exploring everything I may have missed previously and I found something I just had to make space in my inventory for GOLDEN BOXING GLOVES !!!!
I used them for atleast 30 mins before going to the Ultra-Luxe for a quest and as per they took my weapons but heres the catch Im still wearing the gloves and my inventories empty and I have no contition bar on my screen.
I ignore this and continue foward and back out the casino, I equip my hunting rifle and theres these shining gold balls round the barrel...I'm still wearing the gloves!
And their condition hasn't deteriated since I first repaired them using Jury Rigger
So in short are they meant to be permantly equiped and unbreakable ?
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Scared humanity
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:11 pm

Woah that's strange. It shouldn't be permanent, definitely a bug.
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Eve Booker
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:38 pm

So I'm playin throguh exploring everything I may have missed previously and I found something I just had to make space in my inventory for GOLDEN BOXING GLOVES !!!!
I used them for atleast 30 mins before going to the Ultra-Luxe for a quest and as per they took my weapons but heres the catch Im still wearing the gloves and my inventories empty and I have no contition bar on my screen.
I ignore this and continue foward and back out the casino, I equip my hunting rifle and theres these shining gold balls round the barrel...I'm still wearing the gloves!
And their condition hasn't deteriated since I first repaired them using Jury Rigger
So in short are they meant to be permantly equiped and unbreakable ?

It's a bug where unarmed weapons become permanantly attached to your character when forcibly removed from your inventory like casinos or interrogating Silus. As far as I know there is no way to reverse it short of reloading a previous save.
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