I'm doing the goldenglow estate quest w/my buddy Kharjo the Khajiit. Everything's going fine. I entered the estate, killed the owner (didn't want to), and robbed the safe in the basemant. After that I went to the beehives, put down a few wards to prep for the mercenaries who would show up, and burned the hives. The mercs showed up on schedule but after a few minutes Kharjo turned and attacked me, so I had to fight the mercs and avoid killing him.
I teleported back to Riften in the hopes that Kharjo would reappear next to me and be in a better mood. He didn't show up. Then, oddly enough, Mora Snow-Shod suddenly appeared and attacked me and then an Imperial Guard attacked me. I killed them both but didn't get why they attacked me in the first place. Was it because I killed the Goldenglow Estate owner?
At first I considered that I might have hit Kharjo during our fight w/the mercs at the hives and this why he turned on me, but I've hit him many times before, to which he didn't do anything but say "watch it."
Then I thought that maybe Kharjo's attack was activated as part of a side quest.
I haven't read any other reports like this on the net.
Anyone have a similar thing happen to them?