He grins under his unkempt mustache as you lean back in your chair and look to the other members of the crew, you dont recognize any of them. Your purse is becoming a little light, and you could use an adventure.
No ubering
Pm me with your character sheet
Swearing is ok
Romance is ok, cybering is not
Pm me if you wish to play as one of the Vampric or other guardians of the keep to make play funner, pitting wit against wit.
Name:Character name.
Race:Any of the usual races
Age:actual/ and if need be apparent
Birthsign: ANy of the Morrowind birth signs
Class: Class name and description
Skills: choose 5 major, 5 minor, again Morrowind style.
General Appearance: Eye color, build, skin tone, hair color, hair style, distinguishing marks
Clothing/Armour: Dont over do it
Weapons: Again, dont over do it.
Biography/History: A Bio of your character