» Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:23 am
Just to put a stop to the trolling that I expecting this to turn into, If you are level 57 in Enchant you need 43 more levels to master, easy way of do this is to visit each city and by all the filled petty soul gems from the merchants, then buy the same amount of iron knives, and enchant with absord health. By the time you have visited each of the cities and then enchanted, the first cities merchants should have restocked.
If you have the spell to change iron ore to silver then to gold, you should also buy all the iron ore you can in the cities, and change this to gold, make gold rings and sell to finance filled soul gem shopping.
If you are level 19, i think it would take you about 5-6 levels of Enchant to level your character, this will so as an estimate I would expect you to max enchant around the 25-30 character level.