Occasionally I get the "press X" (i.e., the Xbox 'X') instruction in-game. The whole lean around corners malarkey is construed for consoles and is fiddly/irritating/intrusive. The autosave is console oriented and infuriating... the list goes on.
But I've hit a point in the game that is so fiddly (the controls feel so sluggish and clumsy compared to the last game too) I can't get to the next save point. There's aliens bouncing and jumping all over the place and as soon as you attack one - that's it, they all swarm in on you. It's a massive spike of difficulty - yet I practically only play this genre of game and have done since the original Doom!
So I'm sadly at the point now where I just want to finish this game and get it over with rather than abandoning it (I want my money's worth). But without the god cheat -just to get past this difficult section- I cant see myself persevering.
Thanks for alienating your PC customers, EA/CryTek...
ps, and to think I even bought the bloody t-shirt!