Gonna give up on this game...

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:30 am

I'm increasingly irritated by this game. Loved the first one but this one is SO console oriented and… dumb… it‘s barely recognisable from it‘s predecessor.

Occasionally I get the "press X" (i.e., the Xbox 'X') instruction in-game. The whole lean around corners malarkey is construed for consoles and is fiddly/irritating/intrusive. The autosave is console oriented and infuriating... the list goes on.

But I've hit a point in the game that is so fiddly (the controls feel so sluggish and clumsy compared to the last game too) I can't get to the next save point. There's aliens bouncing and jumping all over the place and as soon as you attack one - that's it, they all swarm in on you. It's a massive spike of difficulty - yet I practically only play this genre of game and have done since the original Doom!

So I'm sadly at the point now where I just want to finish this game and get it over with rather than abandoning it (I want my money's worth). But without the god cheat -just to get past this difficult section- I cant see myself persevering.

Thanks for alienating your PC customers, EA/CryTek...

ps, and to think I even bought the bloody t-shirt!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:47 am

hahahahaha one thing i gotta say to you sir... "learn to play".
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Danger Mouse
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:55 pm

I don't think you grasp the main point of my complaint: The game is crap. I want to finish it without giving myself a hernia and if that means using god mode temporarily then so be it.
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:42 am

Yeah, stevo, we've all discovered to our chagrin, C2 is nothing but a dumbded down console port, that only the console kiddies are going to love.

Glad I stole it.
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Alina loves Alexandra
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:38 am

So finish it and put it in the bin/sell it, no need to stress over it.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:50 am

Jac that's just the problem; I want to finish it, if only to get my money's worth - but because cheats are disabled I can't simply walk through the mad spikes of difficulty without doing my nut in. I'm sick of getting stuck on invisible boundaries, and being able to grab enemies one minute then not having the option to do so despite standing so close to an alien he could cry raqe.

Ideally I'd like a refund or the chance to sell it, but no one buys 2nd hand PC games now.
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:48 am

Im getting pissed off with it as well, because whenever i sign in, play an online game, get some kills, they don't level me up at all... -.- so god damn annoying, i just can't gain xp on this game
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:20 am

I am really mad , so many hackers ruining the fun ';(
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:55 am

Yeah. It svcks. They didn't even take the time to polish it and at least make it a better PC conversion. They just copied and pasted it essentially to PC from their console architecture.
You know I just read how Deus Ex: Human Revolution is proceeding. They are acctually taking the time to properly make the PC version a PC game. Adding better graphics, proper keyboard and mouse controls, drag and drop inventory hotkeying etc. You know what, they pushed back the release date from March to August. I can live with that, they decided to take the time and put more work into it. I say good for them.
It shows they acctually give a damn about their work and are willing to put forth the effort to make a quality product. I am willing to buy their game, even the special edition! Why? They showed they want to produce a quality product and acctually try to do something amazing. Not just slap a popular title on some randomly generate sequal and expect us to pay $50-60 bucks on it, whats more is THEY WERE HONEST!!!
Crytek on the other hand showed us with Crysis 2 that they don't care. They don't care about their work, they don't care about their customers. They just copy and pasted it from their console architecture and lied telling us it was a PC game first. We pay $60 bucks for a console ported beta. They couldn't even be honest about it! EA and Crytek share the blame in this and it will come back to bit them in the butt.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:21 pm

Yeah, stevo, we've all discovered to our chagrin, C2 is nothing but a dumbded down console port, that only the console kiddies are going to love.

Glad I stole it.
lucky you..
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Jonathan Egan
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:49 pm

Played it on the hardest difficulty right from the start. Beat it a couple days after release. Didn't really feel hard at all. In fact most of the time I wasn't even getting shot at.. Not only that but i had mountains of ammo and all kinds of guns to choose from most of the time, not to mention the caches of weapons thrown about all levels. Granted I find most single player FPS games on PC pretty easy on their hardest difficulty. The real challenge comes from other players in MP, for me.

I find that in C2, if you just pace yourself, isolate enemies and such, and just generally take your time, you can "solve" (aka. kill every enemy) all encounters with little to no danger to yourself. The only times I died during the SP campaign were when I was like "screw this, I'm gonna run and gun.." Because sometimes that's just more fun :)

You can't stealth kill all enemies.. so that might be your problem there.. Anyway, if its too hard, have you lowered the difficulty?
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James Hate
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:25 am

IronHelix - totally agree with you there, Crytek lied about making this a PC game foremost, there's no doubt it's a console port - it behaves like a console game and often has Xbox onscreen instructions that weren't removed during the port.

llama_Illusion - glad you've enjoyed the game. I'm a slower-paced gamer anyway, I like to 'absorb' it as I play. I'm going to sound like a total noob here but even when I dropped the difficulty I found it very difficult. The aliens have a habit of walking directly into me when I'm invisible - next thing you know, I'm dead because they go ape-****. It's those bright red ones. Damn infuriating.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:00 am

I gotta say, the NPCS do have a tendency to swarm in on you regardless of difficulty setting, then at other times you may as well not exist. It gets worse dude, wait until the end of the game when you have to take out the Ceph Guardians...god i couldn't stand that part of the game.

Also wtf is with these useless quicktime events? Since when did mouse 1 and 2 control movement?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:42 am

That's just it, TheLotusEater725, quicktime events are yet another console feature. Suddenly you go from playing a game of frantic gun-play, to something to the equivalent of Rock DJ.
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:39 am

llama_Illusion - glad you've enjoyed the game. I'm a slower-paced gamer anyway, I like to 'absorb' it as I play. I'm going to sound like a total noob here but even when I dropped the difficulty I found it very difficult. The aliens have a habit of walking directly into me when I'm invisible - next thing you know, I'm dead because they go ape-****. It's those bright red ones. Damn infuriating.

I did get into a couple sticky situations TBH. Usually it was due to the fact that I have this overwhelming urge to try and kill the really big tank like guys every time i see them. I noticed some of the levels you could just walk by and not even engage them. And on the hardest difficulty there are many times where there are two or more of these guys in a given encounter.

As for most lethal aliens I ran into, I would have to say it is those red guys you are talking about. I found though, if they didn't know you were around, they would drop the "armor" mode. If you hit them then, they're pretty squishy just like the normal aliens. The trick is getting the drop on them. Take some time to learn their patrols and you can probably knock them out one at a time. I found its also good to toss stuff to create distraction. For example, throw a can, or just make some noise with your gun then distance yourself from the area and try and get the guys that are alone, or dont go running to your distraction.
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