So do we think beth has learned their lesson and won't be showing topics not 100% certain to make the cut, or do we think we'll be promised NPC's that actually come to life and visit your house on your birthday, along side cities that the developers actually went out and built with their own tired hands that you can visit at will? I would add a poll since its such a new and crazy idea, but it seems to me that its basicly a way to ask a quesiton where half the possible answers are replaced with I AGREE WITH OP.
As mandatory flame protection needed to survive this forum nowerdays:
1) Im not bashing beff. Poking fun, yes, insulting and moaning about, no, so everyone can put the pitchforks back. Beth are still the best and todd is still the man, but do we think they'll be doing what everyone else does (FABLEEEE) and telling a few porkies?
2) Yes, at some point in time since the creation of man, this topic has probably been created, and yes, Im sure I could search through 30000 topics with E3 in the title to find it and have my social curiosity sated, but since we are so close to E3 I think its relevent enough, right?