The idea about the light tan good with Imperial light armor is good as that hood doesn't have any cropping glitches with the armor for males or females, unlike most helmets on females. I would go regular light armor for smithing and the metal on the studded armor could catch light or make noise while sneaking. I like the look of the stormcloak officer helmet with imperial light armor but unless you are on pc, I don't know if a way to get it other than trying to loot a stormcloak officer in the battle for whiterun. on pc you can just additem 86985. a fur helmet might look okay with imperial light armor or the savior's hide if you are on console. as for boots, there are many combinations you could use with imperial light shirt. it might be good to just use whatever decent stock enchanted ones you find, same with gauntlets. For clothing only there are lots of options for males. for females, i don't see a ranger in a dress so roughspun tunic is a good option or nothing on torso. forsworn armor pieces can look good with other things. the forsworn bow is the best bow in the game sans dlc.