Good / Bad

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:17 pm

tell me what you like in skyrim and what you dont.

The Good
-Graphics (!)
-smithing (now hunting deer mean something)
-Dwemmer ruins are back :)
-Perks and Lvl system
-3rd Person play is better
-Fallout finish him move
-House decoration weapon older.
-Dragon and shouts

-my roomate
-BUGS that make quest unfinishable
-smithing (not enough unique weapon creation...why no dragon weapon or saber tooth dagger??)
-dropped items ( decorte your house and some weapon wont stay where they are)
-Holding items to move them is bad......
-playing mage svck...fighting against mage
-skill up speech and alchemy is really long............
-having 3 different quest in the same location ( i made 3 different quest in same 3 different times.....)
-no multi-players ( i know i know its not bethesda kind)

how about you guys ? what you think?
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:16 pm

Right now, the good is outweighing the bad... but I'm pissed at a mission requiring sneaking when I'm not a sneaker.
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:27 pm

Right now, the good is outweighing the bad... but I'm pissed at a mission requiring sneaking when I'm not a sneaker.

And in fact before the game launched they said something like quests would be to your playstyle; if you played as a thief a lot you would get a quest that required thievery, and thus if you were a mage you wouldnt get the quest at all.
With my sneak at level 20 i got a quest to break into a house with a master lock, and to do something to a certain item in the house.
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Dagan Wilkin
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